TYPO London

Do you live somewhat close to London? Then you should consider attending TYPO London, a broad inter-disciplinary design conference for professionals and students, based on the hugely influential TYPO Berlin Conference.

I was invited to speak and am heartbroken that I can’t go. The speaker line up is fantastic and the organizers are wonderful people. You should get your ticket before august 31st if you’re thinking about going, cause that’s when the discounted price ends.

Sugru Hacking Putty

I don’t know about your iPhone cables but mine break, right where the cable attaches to the connector. My friends over at Holstee found a perfect hack: SUGRU PUTTY.

Team SUGRU (gaelic for play) was tired of not being able to fix broken gadgets, so they developed SUGRU, a moldable silicone that is sticky like Super-Glue and fun to use like Play-Doh:

1) Roll it to warm it up
2) Mold it the way you want it
3) Let it cure for 24 hours

Brilliant? YES! Order SUGRU over at Holstee.

Quora Posts for Startup CEOs

Here’s an interesting round-up of Quora Entries Every Startup CEO Should Read.

(via Chris Glass)

The 80s are Calling

Considering that my 18month old son likes nothing more than launching my iphone across the room, this 80s Cell Phone case might be just the right case to protect it.

I am not all that serious, of course, but it definitely made me laugh.

Will the Hurricane hit Sesame Street?

Sesame Street put together a Hurricane Kit to help you teach your children about Hurricanes.

(via the kid should see this)

How To Work Better

I just stopped over at my friend BB’s blog and had to chuckle upon discovering the-above-oh-so-familiar photo. It’s the »How to Work Better« Mural is by Swiss artists Fischli & Weiss and covers an office building in Zurich-Oerlikon. You can prominently see it from the train when you get into Zurich station.

Mrs. Easton

I just discovered this select-a-spring photo over on Mrs. Easton, one of my favorite blogs that I visit regularly.

It’s run by Melissa Easton, a very talented industrial designer with a keen eye for interestingness. How refreshing is it to admire the packaging of vintage Pen Nibs, a button selection or French Curves.

Yep, Melissa is on my list of people I’d love to have coffee with one day.

Do Watcha Like

Arianna of Paperjam Press just recently added a few more prints to her collection of hand pulled, short runs of words to live by.

Thinking of a Masterplan hangs above my desk and makes me happy on a daily basis. The Do Watcha Like made me chuckle. See them all here.


As swimming in rivers is big in Switzerland, the invention of the Wickelfisch makes total sense: The Wickelfisch is a waterproof bag that allows you to take your belongings with you, while you go for a swim. Why would you want to do that? Well, as the stream in a river makes you float away from where you started out it is oftentimes not possible to get back to your belonging all that quickly and easily.

Hat tip off to the designer. At this point you can only get it in selected stores in Switzerland, listed here (all in German). There’s a contact email over here.

(thank you Jaqueline)

Handy Duster

Yes, you can certainly live without a $34 dollar duster. But you have to admit, this Handy Duster is a thing of beauty, at least in my (minimal) book.

Looking Backwards

“If I had never dropped out, I would have never dropped in on this calligraphy class, and personal computers might not have the wonderful typography that they do. Of course it was impossible to connect the dots looking forward when I was in college. But it was very, very clear looking backwards ten years later. Again, you can’t connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. You have to trust in something — your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever. This approach has never let me down, and it has made all the difference in my life.”

– Steve Jobs

A quote from Steve Jobs 2005 Stanford commencement address about the creative value of dot-connecting and cross-disciplinary curiosity.

(via curiosity counts)

NYC Evacuation Zones

G thinks is pro-actively thinking about how to prepare best for the approaching hurricane. I am a bit more optimistic (or is this called ‘denial’?). I am mostly wondering if we have enough wine in the apartment.

Anyhow, do you live in the NYC area? The above map might help you prepare for approaching Hurrican Irene. (you can zoom in an out!)

Update: Looks I really need to stock up on wine tomorrow. Just read this NewYorkTimes article about how NYC is preparing for Irene.

(via @davedawson)

Made By Hand

Made by Hand is a new short film series by my studiomate Mandy Brown and her husband Keef. Made by Hand celebrates the people who make things by hand — sustainably, locally, and with a love for their craft. Their first film, on the Breuckelen Distilling Company, is coming soon.

I can’t wait.

birthday cards

These birthday cards by 9SpotMonk made me giggle.

Swissmiss Studio Apprentice Wanted

Calling all NYC based interneters, I am searching for a great person to help on Swissmiss Studio projects. The day-to-day duties would mostly involve Tattly order liaising (fulfillment). There will also be opportunities to help out with CreativeMornings as well as a super-secret unannounced project.

The number one skill required is pure hustle. We need someone who gets up every morning excited to do stuff, lots of stuff. We also really want to find someone who likes what we are doing with Tattly and CreativeMornings. We don’t want to just hire someone to do work, we want to add a member to our team.

If you are a talented coder, designer, or hula-hooper that is an added bonus. But keep in mind this is not a design job. This is a get your feet wet in the world of the internet kind of job. A great place for anyone who just loves what we do and wants to make the internet a better place.

The job is a full-time gig for 3 months and is paid. Our apprentice will work out of the wonderful Studiomates co-working space here in DUMBO, Brooklyn. The right person will be more interested in the daily happenings here at Studiomates than they will be in the pay. Where else will you be able to eat lunch with a group of folks who have given a TED talk, raised over $100,000 on Kickstarter, organized the most friendly web conference in the universe, been crowned an air guitar champion, and more. P.S., that doesn’t include the world renowned guests that visit us from time to time.

If this sounds like something you’d love to do, please get in touch. We want you to be excited and we want to start this soon! Email us at [email protected] to apply. Start date is September 5th.

Bonus points if you:
Are a beast at Rock Band
Put hashtags within your emails
Own more domains than you do pairs of underwear
Use TeuxDeux like there’s no teuxmorrow
Like writing on walls
Ok with wearing more than 15 temporary tattoos at once

Franklin Gothic on Typekit

YES! Typekit just added another classic typeface to their catalog: Franklin Gothic URW. There has never been a more exciting time to be a web designer than *now*.

The Kid Should See This

Parents, listen up: My friend Rion started a tumblr called The Kid Should See This. Being a mom of two, she feels as there’s just so much science, nature, music, arts, technology, storytelling and assorted good stuff out there that her kids (and maybe your kids) haven’t seen. It’s most likely not stuff that was made for them…

The Kid Should See This is a collection of off-the-grid-for-little-kids videos and other smart stuff collected by Rion and her three year old co-curator Dante.

Follow @thekidshouldsee on Twitter.

Pinhole Cameras: A DIY Guide

Here’s a fantastic book photography enthusiasts: Pinhole Cameras: A DIY Guide, by Chris Keeney. Definitely a cool gift idea for parents that want to pass on the love for photography. What better idea than to build pinhole cameras with your little ones?

Make Your Camera Kid Proof

My 18 month old son Tilo loves nothing more than to test gravity with my gadgets. Not good. Not good at all. That’s why this post over on Unplggd made me look. It links to a tutorial over at instructables and shows how one can use silicone rubber to protect their camera and have it survive the physical wear and tear a child might put it through. Yes, only parents will understand.

Blue Fab Field Notes

I just discovered these exclusive blue Fab Field Notes. Pretty? YES!

dConstruct 2011 Ticket Tombola

Authentic Jobs US, the job network I am a proud member of here in the US, is sponsoring dConstruct 2011, which has an outstanding lineup of speakers.

Authentic Jobs is giving away three free tickets to freelancers who wouldn’t otherwise be able to make it. Here’s how you can qualify for a ticket:

– You’re in the UK.
– You’re a self-employed freelancer who can’t quite afford to attend but would if you could.
– You can free yourself on 2nd of September to attend.

If you qualify, complete this simple form and AJ will be in touch if you’re selected.

This type of give-away makes me happy. Hat tip to Cameron Moll who is the brainchild behind Authentic Jobs.

Rise And Shine

CreativeMornings is featured with Podcast on swissinfo.ch!

You can listen to it here. A big thank you to Karin Kamp for the wonderful feature. Team CreativeMornings is thrilled!

♥ / Typekit

A big thank you to Typekit for sponsoring this week’s RSS feed.

Typekit is the easiest way to use real fonts on your website. Just copy and paste two lines of code, and you’re off: design just like you ordinarily would, and Typekit takes care of the rest. A huge library of high-quality fonts features the best of your old favorites (from Adobe, FontFont, and more), plus new classics from Mark Simonson, exljbris, Veer, and others. And, as our library expands, your subscription just gets better and better—the hardest part is deciding which font to use.

(Interested in sponsoring a week of my RSS feed, learn more here.)

Mike Dempsey’s Design Business Tips

Mike Dempsey’s Design Business Tips.

(via superbunneh)