Typographic Tattly Tuesday

Typenerds that we are, we just launched four new type-driven Tattlys today: Make Change by Evan Huwa, Trouble Maker by Jim Datz, workisnotajob. by Catharina Bruns and the Deming letraset Tattly by studiomate Mike Fortress.

Andrew Zuckerman’s 99% Conference Talk

In this 99% Conference talk, photographer and filmmaker Andrew Zuckerman shares the lessons learned from his iconic WISDOM project, in which he interviewed “elders” around the world, including Chuck Close, Bill Withers, Jane Goodall, Frank Gehry, Massimo Vignelli, and many more. Zuckerman talks about the anxiety we feel as we start a new project, how fear can help us get things done, and the importance of honesty and good, old-fashioned hard work.

Genetic Portraits

The Genetic Portraits project by photographer Ulric Colette has me mesmerized. It looks at the resemblance between family members. Instead of showing the images side by side, he masterfully fused them into one. Hat tip!

(via RonOrp. Thank you Sis)

Toca Hair Salon

Now here’s an iPad Game that made me chuckle: Toca Hair Salon. It let’s your kids step into the shoes of a hairdresser. Cut, color, comb and blow-dry lifelike hair on four different cute characters. Using your fingers you can make any hair style you want! And of course – take a snapshot and save your creations! Quite amusing. I just played with it for 15minutes. Yep. I did.

(via Richard Feigin)


No day is so bad it can’t be fixed with a nap.
— Carrie Snow

Question for my readers: Morning Songs

Kevin and I are researching songs with catchy lyrics entailing the word “Morning”. Any songs that come to mind and we should add to our list? Would you mind to share them in a comment below? Thank you so much!


I had fallen out of love with LinkedIn a long time ago, but last week’s sneaky move (read about it here) pushed me over the edge. What a lost opportunity. LinkedIn was built on such a fantastic core idea. And then they tried to be twitter-and-facebook-and-everything-else at once. Bummer.

But don’t worry, here’s a new service that seems to be getting it right: Zerply is a beautifully designed service that let’s you find like minded people by tags, skills, location and let’s you set up a public profile themed by world class designers.

You’re dreading entering all your information again? No worries, you can import all of your information directly from LinkedIn during the setup. Easy peasy.

I hope that Behance will strike a deal with them and let us display our portfolios on Zerply as well.

Hat tip to the team behind Zerply. They site is beautifully designed and well considered. Here’s my public Zerply my profile.


Every now and then I come across a service/product that just instantly makes me happy and want to sign up. Here’s one of them:

Picplum is an automatic photo printing service and here’s how it works: You email or upload photos to their website and they then, every month, automatically print and mail them to your friends and family. This is *brilliant*! My family will be so excited to finally get photos of my kids!

I can’t even tell you how many times I abandoned the shopping cart on Flickr. Numerous times. My intentions are there, the time and distraction-free-environment is not.

So, now, that I signed up with Picplum, I added myself to the list of recipients, that way I finally get some printed version of my photos in my own hands. Hoooray! And I think it will feel like a little gift/surprise every month.

Picplum, I can’t wait to get my first shipment!

(thank you Ian)


These letters make me happy. It’s a Screen Printed Letter Set by JP Boneyard Design and I want them all.

(via eighthourday)


These Yaaaaay Felt Pennants over on Etsy made me go… uhm, well… YAAAY! #wishlisted

(thank you Dave)

CreativeMornings now on Tumblr

Thanks to Kevin, our fantastic BLSS (Breakfast Lecture Series Specialist), CreativeMornings now has a blog.

VIsit it to watch talks, find inspiring quotes and see photos from the 12 CreativeMornings chapters all around the globe!


Golden Grid System

The Golden Grid System is a folding grid for responsive design. It’s by Joni Korpi, a web designer from Espoo, Finland. Oh, and he is looking for a job around summer 2012.

(Don’t know what responsive web design is? Read this!)

New Summer Tattlys + Pack

We just uploaded new summer Tattlys and added an All Black Set!

With the Mango and the SunSmile we are welcoming two new artists to the Tattly Family: Stina Persson and Jim Datz. The Boombox is by Marc Johns and the Popsicles are by Julia Rothman.

Tattly is a designy temporary tattoo store that I launched 4 weeks ago and that is making me (and my kids) sooo happy! At this point, we are adding new designs by amazing designers approx every other week.

Tattly is possible because of my all star team that consists of Rusty (business brain extraordinnaire), Yoko (design goddess), Juan (fulfillment champ) and Kevin (temporary tattoo model).

PLEASE NOTE: We do not take submissions at this point, I am very sorry. And we are also not able to offer custom Tattlys. We might do both sometime down the road, just keep in mind, we *just* launched!

Let’s Meet And Work

Let’s Meet and Work is a curated map of nice cafés, museums, libraries, etc that provide good working conditions for freelancers. At the moment it’s purely London based, but Alasdair Monk wants to expand it to NYC within the coming months. Yes, please!

UPDATE: Alasdair is taking recommendations for the NYC map.

(thank you Daniel)

Whale Tissue Holder

This whale tissue holder is one of the sweetest things I have seen in a while. Totally made me smile. #ordered

(via ignant)

Calculator Screen Prints

I am pretty sure these prints would make my accountant smile: Five Color Calculator Screen Print by Tom Rowe.

Déjà Vu – Your Visual Memory

It looks as the Déjà Vu is the app I was missing in my life! I keep using my iPhone camera as a memory device, snapping photos of business cards, wine labels, books, products I want to buy etc. But I usually end up having a hard time finding them again in my overflowing photo album.

This is where Déjà Vu comes in. The app helps you remember things visually. Use the iPhone app to snap visual memos on the go. A simple interface and image recognition support you in organizing your visual memos. I am definitely giving this a try!


(thank you Marc)

Mail Sack iPad Case

Talk about old meets new: This Recycled Mail Sack iPad Case is making quite a statement. I like it.

Bally meets Eames Chair

To celebrate its 160th anniversary, Swiss Bally has teamed up with Japanese magazine “Openers” and Herman Miller for an exclusive charity project which entails 16 of these stripy Eames chairs. Oh, how much would I love one of these…

Read more over at CielBleu.


When I was a kid I had tons of pen pals, all over Europe. Writing (drawing) letters was one of my favorite things to do. My mom fueled my passion by buying me lots of printed stationery with flowers/hearts/lots-of-pink-stuff-on-it. You get the idea. I just had a flashback to all this when I discovered this super minimal stationery called Lettres d’Hélène Abricot. Beautiful, no? Makes me want to write a letter.

Beakfast Express

This Breakfast Train made me chuckle. I love soft-boiled eggs and a dash of humor. So, I am giving this two thumbs up! Handmade in England by Reiko Kaneko.

Lemon Water Upgrade

Now here’s a simple, cool idea: Freeze slices of lemon in a cupcake baking sheet, then add to your water pitcher for coolness and a twist of lemon. Love it. Reminds me of a coffee shop on the North Fork that adds frozen coffee ice cubes to ice coffee so it won’t get watered down. Brilliant!

Hold Me Tight Pillows

These Hold Me Tight Pillows are adorable. I’d much rather have my kids sport one of these than the cheesy Pillow Pets. (And of course, my daughter would probably disagree and go for the most pink pillow pet there is, the Unicorn)

Leather Mobile Case and Wallet

This gray leather case looks lovely. The front pocket can hold money and credit cards and the main pocket is for your phone.