Freaker America

Freaker is a North Carolina based company that is on the forefront of keeping bottles cool and hands more comfortable. Zach Crain and the Freaker Team are pursuing their American dream of preventing all most handshakes with their patent pending product, the Freaker.

A few weeks back, the Freaker Team visited Brooklyn with their truck and threw us an amaaaazing grilled cheese party. And now, entire Studiomates is sporting Freakers. Get them here.

And Ellen, you should really consider having Zach on your show. He’s quite something:

Zach training for the Ellen Show from freakerusa on Vimeo.

Utility Card

This Utility Card makes me happy. Brilliant!

2012 Stendig Calendar

The Stendig Calendar was designed by design legend Massimo Vignelli in 1966 and is part of the permanent design collection at the Museum of Modern Art. You can currently pre-order it over at Vetted.

(Thank you Antonio)

Formal Collar Apron

Hat tip to the designers of the Formal Collar Apron, both for their design and the product shot. Hanging off a giant baguette to show of your product? Yes, please!

Adam Ostrow: After your final status update

Many of us have a social media presence — a virtual personality made up of status updates, tweets and connections, stored in the cloud. Adam Ostrow asks a big question: What happens to that personality after you’ve died? Could it … live on?

Maybe It’s Time for Plan C

Plan B, it turns out, is a lot harder than it seems. But that hasn’t stopped cubicle captives from fantasizing. In recent years, a wave of white-collar professionals has seized on a moribund job market, a swelling enthusiasm for all things artisanal and the growing sense that work should have meaning to cut ties with the corporate grind and chase second careers as chocolatiers, bed-and-breakfast proprietors and organic farmers.

An honest look at what it means to run a small business: Maybe It’s Time for Plan C, by Alex Williams

I Need Nice Things

I Need Nice Things sells prints. Lovely, affordable prints.

(via designworklife)

Happy Double Rainbow Everyone

Discovered this Double Rainbow photo over on Catharina Bruns Twitter Stream. Happy Monday morning everyone!

♥ / App Press

A big thank you to App Press for sponsoring this week’s RSS feed.

App Press is the only web-based CMS tool that allows designers and developers to rapidly build quality iPad and iPhone apps, completely code-free. Simply upload custom images arranging each element in App Press and using your App Press app, instantly view your work on your iPad or iPhone. Customize your design with features including Read Mode, Page Share, Web Page Insert and Twitter Integration.

(Interested in sponsoring a week of my RSS feed, learn more here.)

New Tattly: Popsicles

We just added a brand new summer Tattly by Julia Rothman: Popsicles. These make me happy!

Hipster Lorem Ipsum

Hipster Ipsum offers artisanal filler text for your site or project. Made me smile.

(via bltd)

5 Rules for a Creative Culture

by Ben Chestnut, Founder of Mailchimp

1. Avoid rules. Avoid order. Don’t just embrace chaos, but create a little bit of it. Constant change, from the top-down, keeps people nimble and flexible (and shows that you want constant change).

2. Give yourself and your team permission to be creative. Permission to try something new, permission to fail, permission to embarrass yourself, permission to have crazy ideas.

3. Hire weird people. Not just the tattoo’d and pierced-in-strange-places kind, but people from outside your industry who would approach problems in different ways than you and your normal competitors.

4. Meetings are a necessary evil, but you can avoid the conference room and meet people in the halls, the water cooler, or their desks. Make meetings less about delegation and task management and more about cross-pollination of ideas (especially the weird ideas). This is a lot harder than centralized, top-down meetings. But this is your job — deal with it.

5. Structure your company to be flexible. Creativity is often spontaneous, so the whole company needs to be able to pivot quickly and execute on them (see #1)

(via FastCompany)

Pipe Puffing Puppies

These Pipe Puffing Puppies are available as a print over at PrintCollection. Made me chuckle.

Also fantastic: Three Brothers, Old Head-Men of the Kak-Von-Tons of the Chilkat Tribe or The Beach Goers, Atlantic City, N.J.

PrintCollection is a fantastic source for historic museum quality prints.

Fahrer Berlin

Why not hang your iPad from your bike? At least that’s what Fahrer Berlin suggests with their iPad Case. (And no, I am not taking this all too serious, but it made me look. )

Crawling Knee Pads

These crawling knee pads for babies and toddlers made me smile. Reminds me of the days when I played volleyball.

Minimal Art Shelf

I love this Minimal Art Shelf Idea by Erin Loechner.


Postcardly turns your emails into real-life postcards, delivered by U.S. Mail. Do you have family members that don’t use email? Or do you have friends that have gone so-completely-digital that you would make their day by sending them actual mail? Postcardly is your friend!

You can send postcards from your phone, your computer, or anywhere you have email. Just send an email with an attached photo the way you normally send an email: your photo will be on the front of the postcard, your words will go on the back.

I’ll give this a try and will send some photos to my family in Switzerland.

PDF Manuals for your Electronics

Did you ever try to download a user’s manual for an electronic product that you own but the manufacturer does no longer offer it on their site? There is hope: Try a search on It hosts PDF manuals of thousands of electronic products including those of items that have either been discontinued or are no longer available for sale on

Go to Google and type the following query. Replace the word PRODUCT with actual name of your product as in above screenshot.

PRODUCT filetype:pdf OR

Read the full post over on Find PDF Manuals for your Electronics using Amazon

(via labnol)

20 Essentials

20essentials is a Belgium based pop-up concept with a selection of carefully picked products by a ‘little more’ or a ‘special twist’. The products are different in their concept, shape, material and functionalities and are an attempt to meet 20 of our most basic, daily needs, such as sitting, sleeping, transport, …

20 Essentials is located in Knokke, Belgium. Wish I could stop by. Lovely idea.

(Thank you Pieterjan)

Red Polaroid Plush Camera

How adorable is this Red Polaroid Plush Camera? Made me smile.


Revolights are a set of thin profile LED rings that you can attach to your bicycle rim to simulate a flashing LED light display so people can see you better on the road when you’re out at night.

They are currently on Kickstarter trying to raise money to go into production. Definitely worth supporting, if you ask me.

revolights. join the revolution. from revolights on Vimeo.

(via doobybrain)

Sharing Kindle Highlights

In a recent blog post Fred Wilson explains how he shares his Kindle Highlights. Just like him, when I read a book, I tend to do a lot of highlighting. And if I wanted to save them for later or blog, I would type down my highlights. But no longer! Here’s the exciting news: When you are reading on a Kindle (or a Kindle app), your highlights are sent to a private page at Fred Wilson writes:

The address of my page (and yours too I imagine) is If you have a kindle and do a lot of highlighting, go visit that page and you’ll see all of your highlights.

From there, via the tumblr bookmarklet, it’s trivial to share the quote on Tumblr. And so I suspect I’ll be doing quite a bit more sharing as a result of this discovery.

Sharing my Kindle Highlights, by Fred Wilson

Shopping Totem

The Shopping Totem print by David Welch made me smile. Currently available over at 20×200.

Tattly on

What better 1-month birthday present could we get for Tattly than being featured on Yes, I admit it, Team Tattly is quite giddy today.

From today until the end of friday you can buy various Tattly Packs for $14, with the exception of the Complete Tattly Set, which includes all 19 tattoos, and runs for $39.

Here’s the link to the Tattly page over on