USB Film Roll

A nice little tribute to the good old film roll: USB Film Rolls. Go PhotoJoJo!

Red Leather Camera Strap

This Red Leather Camera Strap made me gasp! Yes, please!

DIY Shower Curtain

Who said shower curtains have to be borin? This shower curtain comes complete with a permanent black marker to Draw-It-Yourself. (What a fun project this could be with our little Ella!)

(Thank you Carolina)

Fire Escape Farms

Fire Escape Farms is a brand new site focused on growing edibles in small urban spaces. (How cute is their logo?) Check out some of the lovely products I discovered:

Watering Cans in Rainbow Colors.

Wally One Indoor

Hand-made Owl Planter

Treasure Wheels

Treasure Wheels™ is an urban dolly kit that fits in a satchel and is a must-have tool for urban scavengers. Treasure Wheels™ lets you wheel those urban treasures home, by simply attaching the wheels to the artifact of your fancy, and get rolling.

Nothing short of brilliant!

(Thank you Yael)


In asking [100] people, locals and tourists alike, what made them happy, Catherine Young realized that one of the most universal and clearest ways to record their responses was to ask them to draw what made them happy. Drawing is one of the earliest skills we learn; its basic elements are comprehensible to people of all ages, cultures and nations. Catherine reasoned that if people knew that they were happy, they should be able to identify the source and moreover, visually embody this joy.

Here’s one the submitted drawings that made me smile:

Eating with friends by Desire Go.

One hundred six submissions into this project, she has decided to visualize what she has learned so far. Behold, an infographic:

(click to view large)

Catherine presented this as a final project for Nicholas Felton’s Information Visualization class at the School of Visual Arts’ MFA Interaction Design program.

This is an ongoing project. If you would like to Draw Happy, yes, please do! Check the Submit page for details.

(thank you Liz)

swissmiss on The Post Family

My friends over at The Post Family just launched their new brand-new site. That’s reason enough to write about them, but it just so happens that they also currently feature an interview with me. And if that wasn’t enough to run around and scream Hoooray, check out the below video Sam Rosen shot while he was visiting Studiomates just a few weeks ago. Boy, this is quite a monday.

Studiomates from Sam Rosen on Vimeo.

Thank you Chad! Thank you Sam and Leo!

Coffee Time

Coffee Time from wan-tzu on Vimeo.

(via Paul Octavious)

♥ / Villeroy & Boch

A big thank you to Villeroy and Boch for sponsoring this week’s RSS feed.

Villeroy and Boch is hosting an offbeat ICFF After Party where guests can design their very own washbasin with clay. The Play with Clay event will be held on the evening of Saturday May 14 at the Grande Central Showroom in NoHo. Who wouldn’t want to spend an evening making clay creations where the best design wins its maker a trip for two to Germany. There will be live jazz music and delicious finger food throughout the night. Find out more at the party’s website.

(Interested in sponsoring a week of my RSS feed, learn more here.)

Slot-in Table

This foldable and easy to store table called Nzela made me rejoice. What a beautiful and practical design! I hope they’ll make one in all-white!


“You can’t get to wonderful without passing by alright!” – Bill Whiters

(via Andrew Zuckerman’s talk at the 99%Conference)

The Power Of The Sun

I am currently attending The 99 Percent Conference and we were just shown this visual exploration of the Power of the Sun by GE and Barbarian Group:


A stunning collection of 163 beer cans over on Flickr.

(via itsnicethat) uses the serial number stored in your digital photos to search the web for photos taken with the same camera. Very helpful if a camera has been stolen, obviously.

Bummer, the Canon PowerShot SD500 that was stolen from me a few years ago is not supported. See if yours is on the supported camera page.

(via Brandon)

Studiomates featured in the New York Times

What already was an amazing day has now been officially pushed into magical realms with this NewYorkTimes Style Section feature of Studiomates. A big thank you to the writer, David Hochman! My favorite line: “It turns out that 140 characters in a Twitter post cannot compete with 26 characters in a Brooklyn loft.”

Read the full article on Studiomates here.

Bicycle Cufflinks

For all of you stylish bicycle fanatics: Bicycle Cufflinks. Order them over on brandnew Gothamsmith!

Everything is a Remix

Everything is a Remix is produced by Kirby Ferguson, a New York-based filmmaker. You can keep up with this series via Twitter, Facebook or Vimeo.

Everything is a Remix Part 1 from Kirby Ferguson on Vimeo.

Everything is a Remix Part 2 from Kirby Ferguson on Vimeo.

An Endless Table

Don’t we all have a lifetime of dinner table photographs, each celebrating a holiday, birthday, or special event. Pictures that depict the same dinner table and usually the same cast of characters — family members, friends, neighbors. Combined, they create a seemingly never-ending scene. Colored dots represent the designer’s relationship to each person. I absolutely love this idea. Hat tip to Kim Bentley!

(thank you Kyle)

Puntine Colorate

These are the kind of pushpins I grew up with in Switzerland. On the Curiosity Shoppe they call it the Italian Pushpins. Anyhow, seeing these made me feel a little nostalgic. (le sigh)

The Rare Film Gift Pack

Leave it up to Photojojo to come up with yet another great gift/product for any photolover: The Rare Film Gift Pack.

Marc Newson T-Shirt

Australian designer Marc Newson has created a range of clothing featuring bold graphics for clothing brand G-Star RAW. The T-Shirt above made me smile.


LovelyUI is a collection of mobile user interface elements. A fantastic side project by NYC based Diana Frurip. Incredibly handy for any mobile UI designer. Bookmarked!

Bench Wildhaus

Oh my, I have flashbacks of my Swiss childhood looking at this bench. How good would this look in our studio? (spreading arms wide) SOOO good!

ProSite Launched

Wow! I am so excited to see that Behance’s much anticipated ProSite launched today. No announcement, nothing. I guess that’s what they call a soft launch! But I am way too excited not to write about it. No way!

I seriously think that Scott Belsky and his team have created a tool that will change the world of online portfolios! Dear students and young designers, there is no more excuse not to have a site up. With ProSite it will be a matter of minutes to be up and you will no knowledge of coding whatsoever, yet you’ll be able to fully customize it. I just played around with the interface and am blown away. (Dear WordPress, I love you, but could you maybe have a peek at what ProSite has created?) The ProSite user interface is a work of beauty and is incredibly intuitive. Building a portfolio has been easier.

But ProSite goes way beyond being a simple portfolio site. ProSite is built upon the Behance Network which ties in to several other platforms such as LinkedIn, the Served Sites and others. This means with a click of a button you can decide which platforms will get notified with the new content. Don’t underestimate the power of millions of creative enthusiasts that visit Behance sites every month to watch and follow the latest and greatest work by creative professionals across industries. (I visit their Served Sites all the time.)

Many reasons to love ProSite. Check out some of these sample portfolios. People sure push the limits of customization. (This one here, by Felixng is my favorite.)

I am thrilled that ProSite is finally live. Congrats Scott, Mattias and team!

(No, Behance did not pay me for this post, I am just seriously excited about the product they’ve built. Consider me a fan!)