Micro Gem Headphones

Here’s a gadget for the ladies: Micro Gem Headphones.

Vimeo iPhone App

I am seriously excited about the launch of the official Vimeo iPhone App:

Download it here.

(via chrisglass)

Awkward Stock Photos

Awkward Stock Photos is a true gem. Thanks for finding it, Skylar.

Ji Lee: The Transformative Power of Personal Projects

Ji Lee is tomorrow’s NYC/CreativeMornings speaker. Here’s a talk he gave at last year’s 99% Conference on The Transformative Power of Personal Projects.

Out To Play

Out To Play T-Shirt. Grown-up version, please!?

Postcards by Paul Davis

These Postcards by Paul Davis are hilarious. (I’ll soon be sending out the Moving One, hopefully!)

(via svpply)

Discussions in Google Docs

Comments in Google Docs have been updated to facilitate rapid and seamless discussions and integrate with email in an intuitive way. Has you tried this yet?

Sergey Brin and Larry Page on Google

Scott Berkun’s article about Google’s 20% time mentions that the Google founders Sergey Brin and Larry Page shared during their talk at TED that the Montessori school philosophy influenced their ideas on 20% time. I find it stunning that a school-philosophy triggered what I believe to be one of the most amazing concepts for a work environment.

For those of you that don’t know: Google’s 20 percent time is a well-known part of their philosophy, enabling engineers to spend one day a week working on projects that aren’t necessarily in their job descriptions. You can use the time to develop something new, or if you see something that’s broken, you can use the time to fix it.

Here’s Sergey Brin and Larry Page’s (not so recent TED) talk (jump top 8:50 if you want to hear the Montessori part):

The Creator Economy

“Now we are entering a third age in which the central economic actor is someone who both produces and consumes in the same act. I like the term ‘creator,’ as this new kind of actor is doing something more fundamental than the mere sum of their simultaneous production and consumption. Creators are ordinary people whose everyday actions create value.”

– Paul Saffo on “The Creator Economy”

(via Khoi)

Miniot Wood iPad2 Cover

(photos originally uploaded by DesignArea)

Every now and then I come across gadget accessories that takes my breath away. It just happened now when I discovered the Miniot Wooden iPad2 Cover. The companies about page put a huge smile on my face. All it shows is a “Team Photo” (below). How can you not buy a product from what looks to be a Dutch family enterprise? Hat tip Miniot, your iPad2 cover is a beauty.

(thank you Karin who saw it over at DigitalLiving)

swissmiss on Aeschbacher

Here’s some exciting news that most probably only my Swiss readers will get: I am going to be on Kurt Aeschbacher’s TV show, which is airing tomorrow, thursday march 31st at 10.20pm.

Here’s some info (in German) about all 4 guests on the show, including myself. (For those of you not familiar with Swiss TV, Kurt Aeschbacher is the Larry King of Switzerland.)

Exciting? Very!

Modern chicken coop

I have a thing for chickens; so it comes to no surprise this Modern Chicken Coop made me look.

Yummyfun Kooking

Clare Crespo is the type of person I would love to meet for a cup of coffee. She inspires my daughter and myself with Yummyfun Kooking, a cooking show for kids. She had a cushiony job but left it to follow her dream and start YummyFun Kooking. My daughter (almost 5) is gaga over it, and yes, I admit, I love to watch it too. Ella sits on the couch, watches Clare’s DVDs and looks up the recipe in her cookbook, The Secret Life of Food, while doing so. As a result, my daughter is all about cooking now! I’ve had some email exchanges with Clare and she sounds as warm and bubbly in her emails as she comes across in her show.

Two thumbs up for Clare and for what she’s created. Need a gift for a youngster? Consider the DVDs or the Kooking Club Subscription. Every month the subscriber receives 3 recipes which he can store in his Yummyfun Kooking club recipe box. And besides other stuff, he’ll receive the Yummyfun Kooking mixing spoon. My daughter sleeps with it, next to her bed. Yes, she is *that* into it.

For more info, check out yummyfun.com


Watching this intro about a service called Proust just gave me the chills. For a while now I have been wanting to ask my parents questions about their lives. Proust is a service that makes exactly that incredibly simple.

(via brainpickings)

Here Coat Hooks

We expanded our studio and now we need more coat hooks. Unfortunately the ones we already have, the Here Coat Hooks by Richard Shed, aren’t available anywhere. (Or maybe I just didn’t find the secret site that still sells them?) Does anyone have a secret stash of them at home that they would sell?

If we had to switch hooks to another one, what should we get?

Atoms + Bits = the neue Craft

Fascinating lecture by John Maeda on Atoms + Bits = the neue Craft over at AdobeMuseum.

(via oneplusinfinity)

Egg Bot Kit

Coudal phrased it right: Step up your game this upcoming easter with this Egg Bot Kit. (But man, I would *not* eat an egg that has been painted with a Sharpie. No, thank you!)

Rich Quote Mark

Simple Rich Quote Mark print over at I need nice things.

Who wants to be friends with a brand?

(via BrownChickenBrownCow)

Michael Wolff

A lovely short about iconic designer Michael Wolff of Wolff Olins, made by mssngpeces.

(via brainpickings)

Remove Screen Scratches with Toothpaste

Do you have a scratch on your iphone screen? Just dab a bit of toothpaste at the end of a cotton swab or a soft cloth. Gently rub it in to your screen’s scratches in a circular motion, being careful not to rub too hard and remove any surface coating. Then wipe the whole thing down with a soft, barely-damp cloth. You really need to find toothpaste, so if you’re a tooth gel family you’ll need to grab an extra tube at the store. And the trick is to just use a tiny bit of toothpaste—not like the picture above!

Read the full post over on unplggd.


Divvy let’s you manage your desktop windows (both on Windows and Mac). It allows you to quickly and efficiently “divvy up” your screen into exact portions. This lets you take maximum advantage of your screen real estate without any hassle at all.

(via unplggd)


Now here’s a refreshing new take on a bedside table. Small items can be placed on the storage area, books can be leaned alongside the rear panel; magazines and newspapers can be stored against the slanted sectionm and by opening the flap, one can reach the inside of Oona. Interesting, no? Hat tip off to the designer Cordula Kehrer.

(via stilsucht)

Skip Hop Owl Bib

Remember that adorable Skip Hop Owl Plate I posted a while back? Well, they just came out with the Zoo Bibs. These bibs have a clever tuck-away pouch—perfect for travel or for storing when dirty. A great gift for a new parent!