A Brief History of Title Design

Found this on artofthetitle.com, a compendium and leading web resource of film and television title design from around the world.

(via mysideprojectsquestion and ben pieratt)


Whimventory allows you to create wishlists while you shop online. Using a bookmarklet you add to your web browser, you can add new items to different lists without leaving the site you’re shopping from. Once you have a list, you can sort, filter, and edit the items in it. You can also share lists with others, or keep them private. If someone decides to buy you something from one of your lists, they can anonymously mark the item as purchased to prevent duplicate gifts.

If you ask me, this is perfect for Wedding Registries! Or if you have savvy internet teenagers this would make for a modern approach to a holiday wishlist! Check out this example.

Swiss Lullaby

It’s quite amusing to think that this is the Swiss version of making your kid fall asleep. Talk about sending subliminal, ambitious messages. Made me chuckle! (By KienerToys, unfortunately not to be found on their site)

(thank you Gio, via panenutella)

Eva Kotátková

This piece by Eva Kotátková made me look.

Everyday for iPhone

Everyday for iPhone reminds you to take a picture of yourself. Every day. Set reminders. Get into the habit. The more pictures you have, the better your Everyday app will be. Don’t believe me? Check out Noah Kalina’s Everyday Project?

Get Everyday from the App Store.

(via coudal)

swissmiss on Humble Pied

I am honored to be part of Mig Reyes‘ wonderful Humbled Pied series. Here’s our brief chat and my piece of advice that I’d give to anyone starting out in the design field (or any field of that matter). Here’s a link to my video.

Check out the entire advice archive.

Pendant Light

This is a lovely idea for a bedside pendant light!

Classical Chicken

My friend BB helped me to start this rainy monday right with the Classical Chicken:

Thoughtful Gardener Watering Can

Yes, I admit it: Put type on everyday products and it will make me look. Thoughtful Gardener Watering Can

Milk, Butter And Sugar Ceramics

These Milk, Butter and Sugar Ceramics are lovely.

“Cure for the Common Font”

As I didn’t make it to SXSW this year I am excited to see that presentations are made available online. One of the panels I would have loved to attend was the “Cure for the Common Font” — A Web Designer’s Introduction to Typeface Selection” with Frank Chimero, Tiffany Wardle, Stephen Coles and studiomate Jason Santa Maria. It just went up as an audio piece with slides over on Typographica.org.

“Cure for the Common Font” — A Web Designer’s Introduction to Typeface Selection

Active Inbox

Wow, Active Inbox might indeed be a huge help in managing my overwhelming flow of incoming mail. ActiveInbox is a free, easy-to-use Chrome & Firefox plugin that safely improves Gmail & Google Apps.

(via @brainpicker)

The Photoshop Etiquette Manifesto

What a fantastic initiative: The Photoshop Etiquette Manifesto for Web Designers is a list of helpful and *subtle* suggestions to organize Photoshop Documents, making the transfer of them less painful. Are you a Layer Mayor?

If you teach Web Design, make sure to share this resource with your students!

(via SmashingMagazine)

Aled Lewis: Toy Stories

This Haters Gonna Hate piece made me laugh. It’s by Aled Lewis and it’s part of his Make Something Cool Every Day project for 2011. See more of the series over on Filckr. I’d definitely would buy/hang this print in my office if it was for sale. Just saying.

Update: It’s now available for purchase. Here.

(via designworklife)

Between Page And Screen

Between Page And Screen is an augmented-reality book of poems. Oh, how much fun will be head with this, years ahead!

(via curiosity counts / metafilter)

Personal Side Projects…

I am researching side projects for an upcoming talk and was wondering if you can think of any personal side projects of fellow designers and developers that I might forget:

I am thinking of projects like my CreativeMornings or Teuxdeux. Then there’s Coudal’s The Deck, JewelBoxing and Fieldnotes. And then there’s Frank Chimero’s The Shape of Design, or Jessica Hische’s Daily Dropcap, Squared Eye’s Patterntap and so on.

What side projects would you add to the list?

Hooking Razor

Goodjoy’s brand new hooking razor is the perfect companion to the hooking toothbrush. Like the toothbrush, it’s made from PP plastic (polypropylene is a no.5 category for recycling) and is recyclable after the razor head is easily removed. Hangs onto shaving mirrors, shower caddies and like the hooking toothbrush, just about everything! Absolutely love this product! Thumbs up!

Visual Budget – an Interactive Guide to the Federal Budget

Visual Budget will be a data-visualization web site that explains all the complicated ins and outs of the US Federal Budget using interactive charts and motion graphics. It is a tool that lets citizens like you and me understand this important issue, armed with the latest most comprehensive facts and figures. It brings a new breadth of knowledge to our political discourse and helps us share our opinions with artistic power.

Definitely worth supporting. Back it over on Kickstarter:

A Wearable Planter

This Wearable Planter made me smile.

(thank you sam)


Light Tables is a neat way to look at Flickr photostreams on a grid. It also works nicely on an iPad.

(Thank you Van)

Merlin Mann on Inbox Zero

It was about time I watched this Inbox Zero talk again by Merlin Man. Yes, it is from 2007. Here’s some more info on the Inbox Zero concept.

Superhero uniform sleeper

While researching pajamas for our little Tilo, I came across this Superhero Uniform Sleeper. Too cute, no?

Kodak Instamatic 100

I bought this vintage Kodak Instamatic 100 off Etsy a few months back and it’s been sitting on our dining table every since. Purely decorative. When Chris Glass was visiting recently I saw him taking a photo, I didn’t expect it would turn out to be such a beautiful shot. Chris is a master!

Isn’t it a beauty of a camera?

how to credit?

Brilliant and necessary! How to properly credit an image visualized in a flowchart by Pia, Erin and Yvette.

(via designsponge / thank you Maria)