Filter Articles by Length

Matt, an Australia based Interaction designer, left a comment on an earlier swissmiss post and that’s how I discovered his blog A Considered Approach. What caught my attention was his site feature that lets you filter his articles by length.

This has me wondering: Is this just a sad sign of our times? Or is it just a very clever way of engaging a visitor to read more posts? And then I was chuckling… Given how incredibly short and visual most of my posts are, this filtering mechanism would have to be broken down into seconds for swissmiss.

Paul Rand Retrospective

For Paul Rand’s posthumous induction into The One Club Hall of Fame, Imaginary Forces created this short film, combining original animation with a videotaped interview of Rand himself, that encapsulated his unique and timeless contribution to the design community.

(via mfa in interaction design)


“Art is an idea that’s found perfect form. There are too many possibilities. No matter how perfectly you do something, it can still be improved.”
—Paul Rand

Book gone jewelry

Jeremy May of LITTLEFLY has captured the beauty of paper via a unique laminating process. He makes jewelry out of books by laminating hundreds sheets of paper together. The paper is selected and carefully removed from a book, and the jewellery re-inserted in the excavated space. Each piece is impossible to replicate, and is unique to the wearer. Every thought about turning your favorite book into a ring?

(via stylingrooms)

Interactive Sketching Notation 0.1

The interactive sketching notation is an emerging visual language which affords the representation of interface states and event-based user actions. Through a few simple and standardized rules, what the user sees (drawn in greys and blacks) and does (drawn in red) are unified into a coherent sketching system. This unification of both interface and use, intends to enable designers to tell more powerful stories of interaction.

Hat tip to by Jakub Linowski for creating and *sharing*!

(via Free Wireframing Kits, UI Design Kits, PDFs and Resources on SmashingMagazine)

Unsuck-it is here to save us from terrible business jargon.

(via bblinks)

The Accidental News Explorer

The Accidental News Explorer is a new type of news app that celebrates chance encounters and serendipity. Start by searching for a subject. Once you’ve browsed the suggested articles taken from hundreds of news sources, tap the “related topics” button to discover connected topics, which in turn lead to more articles. Each article leads to new things; the more curious you are, the longer your journey will be.

Love the Lawrence Block quote on their site:

“One aspect of serendipity to bear in mind is that you have to be looking for something in order to find something else.” – Lawrence Block.

Objects by Donna Wilson

Donna Wilson’s creations make me smile. Take the Puddle Man for example. Not that I want to think about the cold days ahead of us already, but the Fox Scarf is pretty darn snazzy, no? And then there is the adorable Meg Plate. Donna Wilson, consider me a fan!

Kid’s Sky Umbrella

This Kid’s Sky Umbrella has swissmister writtien all over it.

(via ohdeedoh)

The Rise of Collaborative Consumption

“Goodbye Hyper-Consumption, hello ‘Collaborative Consumption’. In Rachel Botsman TEDxSydney talk, we learn how the internet is removing the middle man and making it possible to have a sustainable business plan selling peer-to-peer… Collaborative Consumption is a new socio-economic ‘big idea’ promising a revolution in the way we consume.” — ABC Big Ideas

Typography Coffee Mug

Typography Coffee Mug.

(via sampotts)

Napkin Origami

Why fold a napkin into an ordinary square when it can become a swan, bread holder, or pirate’s ship? Napkin Origami: 25 Creative and Fun Ideas for Napkin Folding

Reusable Finger Spoon

Our 4 year old, Ella, has this thing about wanting to eat Greek Yoghurt with her fingers. No spoons allowed. I wonder if she would go for the Reusable Finger Spoon.

Call Phones From Gmail

Google just announced a new feature: Starting today, you can call any phone right from Gmail.

Calls to the U.S. and Canada will be free for at least the rest of the year and calls to other countries will be billed at our very low rates.

Dialing a phone number works just like a normal phone. Just click “Call phone” at the top of your chat list and dial a number or enter a contact’s name. If you have a Google Voice phone number, calls made from Gmail will display this number as the outbound caller ID.

For more information, visit

Brelli: Bamboo Umbrella

Dave and Fabian of Holstee fought the rain this morning and came to visit me at swissmiss studio. As they were walking in I noticed Dave’s supercool umbrella. Knowing how careful they select products they own, I wasn’t surprised to hear that this was a fully biodegradable umbrella. And yes, it’s available in their shop.

Anyone who’s been in NYC after a storm has seen it – the streets and trash cans are filled with the super cheap black umbrellas, destined to sit in our landfills for hundreds of years. This is the worlds first fully biodegradable umbrella. It is made of 3 materials bamboo, organic cotton and a patented biodegradable bio film. It’s great to look at, but don’t be fooled, it is designed to withstand winds up to 40 mph – common street umbrellas will barely make it past 12mph.

Brelli: Bamboo Umbrella


Our Digital Crisis

“The Internet is causing mass homogenization of human identity, making us all look the same.

We use the same tools and social networks, fitting into the same templates, designed by companies to maximize page views and profits (with some notable exceptions like Craigslist).

Most online experiences are made, like fast food, to be cheap, easy, and addictive: appealing to our hunger for connection but rarely serving up nourishment. Shrink-wrapped junk food experiences are handed to us for free by social media companies, and we swallow them up eagerly, like kids given buckets of candy with ads on all the wrappers”.

Our Digital Crisis, by Jonathan Harris, Read Full Post

(via pforti)

Kids Sink

What a fantastic kid’s sink stool solution. Unfortunately there’s no image credit/link to the original source. Anyone know?

Jeffrey Milstein

I noticed this amazing airplane print over on Unhappy Hipster. It’s part of the Aircraft series by Jeffrey Milstein. Oh my, this is getting #wishlisted asap. Simply stunning.

For now, I’ll stick to the book: AirCraft: The Jet as Art.

I’ll get the ice-creams

A sketchy look at family life: Daddy’s on childcare duty while mummy gets the ice creams. As seen on

(via minordetails)


Foodspotting answers the question “What’s good around here?” by making finding and sharing food recommendations as easy as snapping a photo. I yet have to give this a try. The app really relies on people taking appetizing photos of what they’re eating. Interesting idea. Especially enticing for the visual crowd…

What is Foodspotting? from Foodspotting on Vimeo.

(Thank you Jessi)

Rain Level

This is one of these ‘why didn’t I think of this’ moments. These rain level boots are brilliant and put a huge smile on my face! Please make a kids version. I’d love to ask our little Ella how deep the puddle is she is about to jump into!


(via zsymon)

Sewing Kit Wall Sticker

Our four year old Ella is all about scissor papercutting these days. This Wall Sticker would definitely mess with her head. I could see her look at this and go, ‘but mommy, how should I cut this?”

swissmiss on The Pipeline

Dan Benjamin, mastermind behind the fantastic interview show called The Pipeline, was so kind to ask me to be on his show. You can listen to our conversation on his site, here’s the direct link to the MP3, or if you prefer, in iTunes.

Dan, thank you so much for having me!

(Dan Benjamin was impressively persistent in trying to get me on his show. For some unknown reason, the concept of ‘recorded conversations’ makes me shiver, so I kept saying no at first. Dan kept at it and I am glad I agreed eventually. Dan has an amazing talent in making the person he is talking to feel comfortable. Hat tip to Dan’s interview skills.)

One Idea A day

Matteo Sangalli and Erika Zorzi, two young designers, are running a fun tumblr blog called 01 Mathery on which they showcase 1 IDEA A DAY. The idea is to design an object a day. Made me look and smile.

(via ignant)