microphone tongs

These Microphone BBQ Tongs made me smile!


My studiomate Jens just showed me an interesting iPhone App called Kooaba. He uses the app to archive articles in swiss newspapers that he wants to go back to. He simply snaps a photo of the page and Kooaba recognizes the page and voila, you have the original pdf in your app and on your web-based account. (only works with magazines/newspapers that teamed up with Kooaba) What I find so impressive is that you are not taking a photo of some crazy barcode-like-pattern but simply of the page (or product). It also then lets you easily share the information via the various social networking tools, plus access more information. Impressive.

With kooaba, you can:
– get instant information on products
– remember/archive things you see, read
– share your stuff with your friends
– easily search your personal library

Direct Line

DirectLine Tee by GlennzTees. Made me smile.

Hyperlinks in Printed Books

Ubimark embeds books with two-dimensional codes that work as hyperlinks when photographed. So far there’s just one book available in English, Around the World in 80 Days, with the bar-like codes. See a YouTube demo below.

Purdue Professor Embeds Hyperlinks in Printed Books, by Mary Helen Miller

(via SignificObs)

BillyKirk 123

This BillyKirk Shoulder Pouch is made out of the most amazing leather and feels incredibly sturdy. How do I know? Joey Roth was just visiting swissmiss studio sporting one of these. A real beauty! Wishlisted!

ABC Paper Cups

ABC Paper Cups puts an end to the boring design of disposable paper cups. (I know, I know, we shouldn’t go with disposable cups but use reusable plastic cups instead!)

Trio Lasagna Pan

This Trio Lasagna Pan is perfect for a family with a picky eater (like ours). Mrs. Picky could get her own strip of Lasagna. Very cool idea.

Barbapapa Kitchen Apron

WAH! I nearly fell off my chair seeing this Barbapapa Kitchen Apron! I must have! (I know, I know you are probably thinking “that is so not swissmiss”. You have to understand I am under a Barbapapa spell!)

Barbapapa Bath Set

Anything Barpapapa makes me look. And so did this Bath Set. LOVE that cartoon. Don’t know the awesome french cartoon from the 70s? Check out a small clip here.

Boomerang Wok

The Boomerang Wok’s cupped edge is supposed to make it easier to turn your stir-fry ingredients. All you supposedly need is one simple movement with the spatula and voila! I definitely would like to give one of these a try!


Priceless Silver Tag Necklace. Lovely.

LEGO Playbrick Earphone

These LEGO Playbrick Earphones made me laugh. Our little Ella sure would love them!


Here’s a refreshing take on sticky notes: Leafs. I especially love its use for bookmarks. Instantly wishlisted.

Kite Hill

So happy to see that 20×200 is selling a Paul Octavious print: Kite Hill.

swissmiss=5 StudioBooth Photos

Now, that was an explosion of fun! Thank you all for coming out and partying with me last wednesday. The StudioBooth was most certainly the highlight. Click Click Click! Wheeee! You can see all of the StudioBooth Images here.

A big thank you to MailChimp for making the StudioBooth possible.

swissmiss=5 (photos)

My fabulous friend Sara Wasilausky was one of the talented folks shooting the swissmiss=5 evening. She just sent me the link to all the photos Yay! Check them out here.

Thank you Sara!!


swissmiss, the blog, is turning 5! This occasion calls for a proper celebration: Good folks, good food and alphorns! We will celebrate in style, at Galapagos, in DUMBO on May 26th, 2010. Make sure to buy your ticket soon, we’re filling up quickly! Get it here!

What to expect? There will be some food to nibble on (an entire wheel of Appenzeller Cheese), a short talk by Tina, a performance by a real alphorn player and a Studio Booth!

And by the way, the *actual* birthday is may 27th!

Can’t attend? Join us virtually! How?

Take a photo of yourself holding up a sign saying either where you’re from, your url, twitter name or any other type of birthday message that you wouldn’t mind displayed on a huge giant screen. The photos in this Flickr group will be rotating on the screen during the event.

Add your image to the group or if you do not have a Flickr Account, email them to me and I’ll add them on your behalf.

Yay Internet!”

The event is generously sponsored by our main sponsor MailChimp, and our co-sponsors GlennzTees and Appenzeller Cheese. The event will be photographed by a team of ImageSource!

Want to join the co-sponsor team? Email me!

zurich – san francisco

San Francisco will be getting a whole lot closer this summer for people living in Switzerland. SWISS will be flying its Airbus A340 nonstop from Zurich to San Francisco six times a week from 2 June 2010. They’re currently running a video karaoke competition “Sing Francisco” for a chance to win a flight to the west coast.

(thank you Arno)

iPad + Velcro = Love

Two of mankind’s greatest inventions, together at last:

iPad + Velcro from Jesse Rosten on Vimeo.

(Thank you Jens)

8-Bit hanger

This 8-Bit hanger made me chuckle. Perfect for an interactive studio, no? I am tempted to get one right next to my desk, so I can hang my headphones when not in use!

(thanks sorella)

Hair Conditioner

Hair Conditioner from Jonathan Gurvit on Vimeo.

(thank you jonathan)

Traveling Salesman Tin Toy

Traveling Salesman Tin Toy. Made me smile. Lots of fun stuff over on Casa Ruim.

Icebreaker Tag

At last friday’s CreativeMornings with Jay Parkinson we asked the question: If you could design something that would make your neighborhood healthier, what would it be? Below are some of the answers. See them all here.

TeuxDeux Made Top 25

TeuxDeux, the simple, free To-Do application that my studiomates Cameron, Evan and I created was mentioned as one of the Top 25 Most Useful Websites by PCWorld.in.