GE by Lisa Strausfeld

Lisa Strausfeld of Pentagram has designed an interactive data visualization for GE, a calculator that converts energy consumption into accessible units like cupcakes baked, sitcoms watched, etc.

Learn more about the project over on Pentragrams blog.

RISD Exhibition + Make, Do

The Rhode Island School of Design just announced their Annual Graduate Thesis Exhibition. The show opens May 20 and is on view through June 5, 2010.

For the first time, the 2010 RISD Graphic Design MFA candidates have elected to stage a special extension to the exhibition in the form of a fully-functioning shop called “Make, Do.” During the course of the exhibition and in other cities throughout the summer, these designers will apply formal and conceptual research from their thesis projects to a variety of products including books, T-shirts, office products, housewares, and more. In so doing, “Make, Do” acknowledges the exhibition’s Convention Center context and design’s role in the marketplace more generally. Taken along with the exhibition’s highly interdisciplinary curatorial strategy, “Make, Do” serves as a platform for questions about art and commerce, theory and practice, and design’s value both within the academy and beyond.

For more information on the graduate exhibition visit:
For more info about Make, Do, visit, and

Invisible Chair

This is a video of a marketing stunt that KLM did in Manchester Airport last month. It shows a guy reclining in an “invisible chair”. (There must be a metal tube going down his extended leg with an area to sit on, all hidden in his pants. Clever.)

(via likecool)

Thank you…

This durable tote is modeled after the plastic bag you’ve seen everywhere, with one important difference: it’s reusable. Made in the USA of natural organic Grade A canvas, it measures 16.5” x 16.5” and has a roomy 6” gusset to hold plenty of groceries. The design is screen printed and faithful to the original, right down to the last “s” (it’s upside down)

Wheel of Nutrition

How clever is this Wheel of Nutrition plate, using visualization to support healthier eating habits. It was created by Hafsteinn Juliusson, Rui Pereira and Joana Pais.

(via brainpicker)

Cirkus Knie timelapse tilt shift

This timelapse tiltshift movie shows how the Circus Knie tent was put up on April 29, 2010 from 07:00 to 09:00 in Sankt Gallen, Switzerland.

Zirkus Knie Timelapse tilt shift from on Vimeo.

(via @agmuer)

Do you have a swissmiss story?

I am currently working on a short talk for the upcoming swissmiss birthday bash as well on a book proposal and have the following question for you:

Do you have a swissmiss story? Did I cover a product/idea/design of yours and it impacted your life? Did a post on my blog inspire you to pursue an idea/dream you had? Did a post of mine kick off a new side business that turned into your new fulltime gig? …

If you, or anyone else you know has a ‘swissmiss story’ please have them email me.

Yay Internet!

Places in America

Created exclusively for the Royal We by Oliver Jeffers, this is a signed print of a hand painted map of America. With pins. Each print comes with 102 pins to chart your path to total American domination. 100 of the pins are orange, one of them is red and one of them is blue. Orange is for states conquered, red is for headquarters and blue is for state of origin.

Oh so analog. Oh so beautiful!


Being a big believer in following my gut feelings when making decisions, I wasn’t surprised in reading this fact:

Did you know that one half of all our nerve cells are located in the gut? You have as many neurotransmitters there as you do in your brain. Your gut produces 95% of the serotonin in your body, and can function even if it’s detached from the spinal cord. (Read The Second Brain, by Michael Gershon, for more details.)

5 Clear Flags of Hidden Intuition, by Erica Heinz

The Oldest Living Things in the World

I have mentioned this project before and I think it deserves another shout-out:

Rachel Sussman is working on a project called The Oldest Living Things in the World. She is researching, working with biologists, and traveling all over the world to find and photograph continuously living organisms that are 2,000 years old and older. She started the project 5 years ago, and has since photographed nearly 25 different organisms, ranging from the Bristlecone Pine and Giant Sequoias that you’ve surely heard of, to some truly unusual and unique desert shrubs, bacteria, a predatory fungus, and a clonal colony of Aspen trees that’s male and, in theory, immortal.

As you can imagine, this is a very expensive undertaking. Thus far the project has been largely self-funded, and helped along by some generous friends and family. Rachel started a Kickstarter campaign and I encourage you to support her wonderful cause..

A Tiny Apartment

(thank you sorella)

Wintercheck Factory

Before starting WINTERCHECK FACTORY, Kristen worked on a construction site in Tribeca managing a real estate development project. She dug the architecture, design and humongous machines but could pass on the loan requisitions, punch lists and filing. After about four years of this, she decided to embark on a new and independent venture. Two weeks later she put down a deposit on a workspace in Bushwick, bought a jigsaw and went to work. The name “WINTERCHECK” was used as an attempt to simplify her heavily consonated real last name, Wentrcek.

Check out this minimal and elegant desk. Or the nifty scarf with built in pockets.

How much respect and admiration do I have for young folks like Kristen? ‘Doers’ like her get a hat tip from me!

(thank you amit)


It’s a retro resurgence with a modern twist. Pong is back. But not just any old Pong. Oh no. It’s TypePong! Pong. With type. This time, it’s on the iPhone!

TYPEPONG IPHONE APP #HFT003 IDENT from HypeForType on Vimeo.

(thank you Jake)


Smories are free original stories for kids, read by kids. 50 added every month.

Amazing! Can’t wait to show it to our little Ella!

(thank you @wesayso)

HTML 5 for Web Designers

A List Apart just launched HTML5 for Web Designers. The HTML5 spec is 900 pages and hard to read. HTML5 for Web Designers is 85 pages and fun to read. Easy choice!

HTML5 is the longest HTML specification ever written. It is also the most powerful, and in some ways, the most confusing. What do accessible, content-focused standards-based web designers and front-end developers need to know? And how can we harness the power of HTML5 in today’s browsers? Jeremy Keith cuts to the chase, with crisp, clear, practical examples, and his patented twinkle and charm.

When is the iPad version going to become available, Jeffrey, Jason?

Origami Typeface?

Origami Typeface (title by me) by Gesa Hansen. Made me look.


Walking down the hallway to my studio this morning I noticed a new studio neighbor. Their door was slightly ajar and I saw this amazing table and stool (pictured above). I walked in and introduced myself to Jim Malone, the owner and designer of Counterevolution. Jim designs furniture out of reclaimed and restored bowling alley wood. (!!!) I am all for furniture with a story and give CounterEvolution a swissmiss-thumbs up!

Welcome to 10 Jay in DUMBO, Jim!

swissmiss PSFK Talk

Below is a video of the talk I gave at this year’s PSFK conference. Thank you for having me Piers!


This Migros T-Shirt is fabulous. Especially if you wear it outside of Switzerland where hardly anyone knows what it is about. (Migros is a big supermarket chain in Switzerland!)

Migros Nostalgia

I am having a nostalgic-moment over here day trying to decide which of these posters and t-shirts to get. So, you’re not swiss and you have no idea what these designs are all about? They are the old-school ice cream wrapper designs of the ‘bestest icecream ever’ sold by Migros (big supermarket chain in Switzerland).

I totally grew up with these and all these years, they kept the iconic packaging the same. I am in (nostalgia) heaven! Which Poster to get? Which T-Shirt!

Hat tip to the Migros Marketing Department for creating these!

The keep my arms warm when I read in Bed Thing. Made me smile.

Here’s a fantastic site featuring dish towels. It has one of the best, most appropriate urls I have seen in a long time:

(via jessicahische)


If one of my kiddos were to turn 3 anytime soon, I’d buy him/her this Eames Three Serigraph. Pretty.

Layer Tennis: Exhibition Season

Did you notice my swissmister bump from Around the World Layer Tennis fly by?