If I was a piece of furniture I would be…

At yesterday’s CreativeMornings, with Maxwell Gillingham-Ryan of Apartment Therapy as the speaker, I asked the following question: If I was a piece of furniture I would be …. See more answers over on flickr.

What would you be?

(thank you Sara Wasilausky, for taking the photos)

Bobble | Water Bottle with Built In Filter

Have you ever gone completely gaga over a waterbottle? I did! I was given a Bobble and am loving it. What’s so cool about it? It has a built in water filter! So when you’re on the go you can just keep filling up your Bobble with regular tab water. No need to buy bottled water. Yay, right?

I have come across similar bottles before, but they were an offense to my aesthetics. Bobble looks fabulous! Its design is minimal, stylish and they come in a rainbow of colors. Bobble will be my new favorite gift!

swissmiss hearts Bobble.

iPad Templates and Stencils

iPad Templates and Stencils. Fantastic.

The Heads of State – Travel Poster Series

The Heads of State just announced their Travel Poster Series. These guys are talented. Chapeau!

Parallel World

People fill the floor of their homes with furniture and walls with paintings and pictures. So why are the ceilings left empty? Decorating ceilings was a celebrated art form in the past centuries that somehow got lost through the reductionism of modernism. People don’t look at the ceiling anymore. It’s a dead space. So I wanted to bring a small wink to this space. I also liked the idea that somehow there’s a parallel world which coexists with ours.

Parallel World by Ji Lee

(thank you keren)

The Ancient Art of Email Templating

This Ancient Art of Email Templating PDF Guide by MailChimp made me laugh out loud. The intro paragraph says it all:

Take off that beanie and put that Zeldman book down, you hippie. There are no standards in HTML email. Email programs are all over the place in terms of how they render HTML. You will need to think different. Fight different. Yes, you will need to resort to dirty “street” style tactics to make your email designs look consistent. Medieval stuff like:

– Table layout. No CSS Positioning. Not only that, but…
– Embedded Tables (gasp!) Shim-GIFs (double gasp!)
– Videos, Flash, ActionScript, DHTML, Javascript, and all that other fancyschmancy stuff is not going to work. Most anti-virus software block them from working inside email apps.

Download The Ancient Art of Email Templating PDF Guide.

A digital Native.

They interact with the peers across the globe: This impacts employers, brands, teachers, parents, as this first generation enters the workforce.

Always online: By age 20, kids will have spent 20,000 hours online –the same amount of time a professional piano player would have spent practicing Urs Gasser, paraphrased
Multiple identities, personal and social, shared online and offline (blurring): Online representation is the same as physical representation: what your clothes, friends, vehicles say about you.

Dr. Urs Gasser of Harvard’s Berkman Center coined the term Digital Natives.

Chat Roulette Piano Improv #1

This is hilarious: Chat Roulette Piano Improv #1

On Combining Fonts

Is there a way to know what fonts will work together? Building a palette is an intuitive process, but expanding a typographic duet to three, four, or even five voices can be daunting. Here are four tips for navigating the typographic ocean, all built around H&FJ’s Highly Scientific First Principle of Combining Fonts: keep one thing consistent, and let one thing vary.

Music from a Bonsai

G, don’t be suprrised if I am banging on our Bonsai tonight when you get home: Music from a Bonsai by Diego Stocco.


The guys over at Harvest started a *very* cool monthly event called HOBBY. Every month three fine citizens are invited to talk about their hobbies. Each speaker has 5 minutes to explain their particular recreational pursuit, followed by a 5 minute Q&A with the audience. There will be alcohol, and for one night, the answer to “What do you do?” will not be about your day job. Next event is on Tuesday March 23rd 2010.

Check out some videos from last month’s HOBBY soiree.

Comparing the 100 Largest Sites on the Internet

Infographic of the Day: Comparing the 100 Largest Sites on the Internet. What types of sites get the most traffic?

Dogs as typefaces

Dogs as Typefaces.

Stripes make everything better

The past 3 days we’ve had monsoon rain like down-pour here in NYC. But when you have a little one, you eventually have to brave the weather and go outside, no matter what. They need to run! That’s where the perfect kiddo rain-gear comes in!

I am a firm believer in stripes making everything better! So, I suggest these items from Polarn O. Pyret: Red/White stripey rain boots, Rain Pants, Rain Hat and of course a red Rain Jacket.

Wish we would have had all of these items in Ella and my size yesterday!

BeardMe App

Chris Auyeung and Vijay Mathews, the makers of the BeardMe iPhone App (iTunes link) believe everyone has the right to luxuriant, well-groomed facial hair. BeardMe gives people the chance to put really well-designed, old timey, classy beards and mustaches on themselves and everyone they know. Because really who doesn’t love a Daniel Day-Lewis in “Gangs of New York” mustache on babies or coworkers or pets?! Plus, there really is something about a nice beard or mustache that adds a certain I don’t know what to one’s personality and general outlook on life.

(thank you Anna)

Apply for Wieden + Kennedy 12.7

Wieden + Kennedy, the internal school within the agency, is currently seeking applications for next year’s class.

Made me laugh.

Published in The New Yorker 03/15/2010 by Mick Stevens. Made me laugh. Totally Tilo (our 4 week old son).

The Dreaded Killer Jellyfish of Graphic Design Favors

I posted about this The Dreaded Killer Jellyfish of Graphic Design Favors Poster before. Allan from Core77 just gave me the heads up that the poster is now available for purchase for a mere $20! Read about it over on Core77.


The I LEGO N.Y.. Board Book by Christoph Niemann will be my new favorite NYC Book Gift from now on. Absolutely brilliant and hilarious.

(link and images via bookbyitscover)

Classified Ad Crowd-Sourcing

I am participating in a silent auction event with the Type Director’s Club and it’s our task to re-interpret an existing classified ad.

Would you like to submit a classified ad you come across and think would be fun to typographically translate into a poster? If so, please submit your suggestions as a scan/image (link to flickr or similar service) in a comment below or email it to me at [email protected].

If your submission gets picked, you’ll get a mention on the poster! Please note that it needs to be a real existing classifieds ad that I will have to submit alongside with the poster, so please keep it!

Thank you!

Wanted: CreativeMornings Co-Sponsor

Next week’s CreativeMornings is going to be a big one! Maxwell Gillingham-Ryan of Apartment Therapy is our speaker and we have already over 180 rsvp’s for Friday the 19th at the fabulous Galapagos Art space.

As the event is shaping up to be bigger than expected, we are in need of another co-sponsor alongside MailChimp to cover the cost for breakfast. (CreativeMornings are always free of charge!)

Here’s what you’d get: For $500 you will be mentioned and given a shout-out on the CreativeMornings announcement post with a graphic, next to MailChimp. As well as on the Eventbrite site. Plus, we’ll of course thank you the morning of the event and if you’d like you can even have a banner/sign up during the event or hand-our promotional items. Your banner and mention will stay on swissmiss/creativemornings.com indefinitely. Plus, you’ll get 1000 instant karma points!

Interested in reaching out to a big, high-end creative audience in NYC? Email me at [email protected].

UPDATE: We have found a co-sponsor! Will update the CreativeMornings Post shortly. Thank you for everyone reaching out! Your generosity is amazing! Yaaay!

Also, we are looking for someone to help us videotape the event. Unfortunately Roland, who usually tapes the events, will be out of town. Know anyone that might be interested in teaming up?

New York’s Best Coffee

New York’s Best Coffee, an interactive map over at The New York Times.


Taking care of little 3.5week old Tilo, I am obviously not attending SXSW this year. But hey, I am pretend-tweeting and #VirtuallyAttendingSXSW! Join in on the fun and pretend-live-tweet along with me. We already have quite a crowd. Use hashtag #VirtuallyAttendingSXSW !

A Collection A Day

I admit, I am totally looking forward to my daily A Collection a Day image in my inbox. Today’s is lovely. No?