
BookBook is a hardback leather case designed exclusively for MacBook and MacBook Pro. Available in Classic Black or Vibrant Red,

I *love* it. Hat tip to TwelveSouth! (Must go on my wishlist asap!)

(thank you jon and BB)

Deluxe Lunch Box

Here’s a new take on that American classic… the lunch box.

Rent a desk next door!

WORKSHOP, our fabulous new office neighbors built out their breathtaking studio space and are now ready to fill it with 4 more creative peeps! You?

Renting one of their desks means you will have the most jaw-dropping view of the Manhattan and Brooklyn bridge e-v-e-r and you will be part of a cool group of creatives here on the 6th floor of 10 Jay Street!

By becoming part of Suite606 for $500/month, you’ll get unlimited positive vibes and…

– Your own desk (approximately 6 feet long, which can seat two if you have someone working with you for a day)
– Your own window with your own incredible view
– Your own snazzy white chair
– Your own cabinet cubby
– Wifi
– Laser printer access
– Refrigerator/freezer access
– Vermi-compost bin access (should you want to feed our worms)
– A collaborative work environment with the socially responsible design team, WORKSHOP
– Next door neighbordom with studio612a (swissmiss studio)

Want to become our next door neighbor? Yes? Email WORKSHOP! (Yes, the images above are for real!)

You Dropped Food on the Floor. Do You Eat It?

You Dropped Food on the Floor. Do You Eat It? Made me laugh!

(via minordetails)

Behance Outfitter | New Products

Behance Outfitter premiered their new product line at last week’s CreativeMornings and boy are they awesome! The new products *just* went up on their site. Check them out:

Action Journal, 6″ x 8″, 100% New Leaf Sustainable

Action Cahier, 3.5″ x 5.5″, 100% New Leaf Sustainable

Dot Grid Journal, 6″ x 8″, 100% New Leaf Sustainable

Microwave Cake Moulds

Clever shaped microwaveable (?) cake moulds make up the component parts of retro digital figures, allowing you to make a cake shaped like any number, for any birthday… and we won’t tell anyone if you lick the spoon.

CrisisCommons is Community Technology + Humanitarian Relief

Nina pointed me to Crisis Commons, an organization that brings together professionals to create useful tools in times of need. They have been conducting something called CrisisCamp where people get together on a specific day to work on projects.

In their words:

“Crisis Camp is a gathering of technologists who come together to build platforms to assist with the releif efforts in Haiti.”

“We are an international network of professionals drawn together by a call to service. We are developers, specialists, communicators, first responders, project managers, and people who just want to help!”

More here:

Check on their site, top right corner, for upcoming CrisisCamp meet-ups in London, New York, Boston, Boulder/Devner, Los Angeles, Miami, Portland, Sillicon Valley and Washington DC.

Slant-Ruled Notebook

A lot of people sort of twist their notebooks when they write in them, this Slant-Ruled Notebook by Matt Brown has lines that are at a 45 degree angle- good if you have to write in a tight spot, like on an airplane. Made me look.

Pants for Parents

I must say, this Pants for Parents idea by Matt Brown made me chuckle. Given that G is 6’4″, I know Ella would appreciate a pocket on his shins.

Zen Humidifier

The Zen Humidifier uses no electricity: Instead, water is drawn up through the wood and evaporated into the air. According to the designers — the Japanese firm Okada — this process evaporates water six times faster than if you left in in a glass. At that pace, it’d be quite effective.

(thank you scott)

♥ / Carbonmade

A big thank you to my friend Spencer over at Carbonmade for kicking off the swissmiss RSS feed sponsorship.

NYC based Carbonmade offers one of the easiest ways to display and manage your portfolio online. What you get after uploading your designs is a clean canvas to show off your work. (Have a look at my portfolio as an example: Carbonmade’s user interface is extremely intuitive and humorous (ever logged into an account by pressing a mustache button?) Within minutes your portfolio is up and you don’t even need any HTML experience to do so. You can upload images, flash and even video. Carbonmade is being used by over 184,000 designers and artists worldwide.

To try out Carbonmade for yourself, sign up here.

(Learn more about the weekly swissmiss syndicated feed sponsorship!)

For the love of Ampersand

Yes! A blog entirely dedicated to the beauty of Ampersands:

(thank you Kai)

Dear Van Gogh

Dear Van Gogh is a mug by Mike Mak with a silicone ear-shaped handle that twists and flexes. Probably a little odd the first time you use it, but it would made me chuckle, for sure.

Panda Hat

This crocheted Panda Hat makes the world a better place, no? A tiny little bit!? Yes?


These Jacket+Bookmarks put a huge smile on my face. An idea by Igor “Rogix” Udushlivy who tought it would be great if we can use dust jackets and bookmarks together to create a unique image of a paper book.

Happy Check Button Down

Oh my, I need to get this awesome button down shirt for little swissmister, who is a mere 3.5 weeks away of arriving. Love it!

Stock and Flow

Here’s an interesting article by Robin Sloan on “Stock and Flow“:

There are two kinds of quantities in the world. Stock is a sta­tic value: money in the bank, or trees in the for est. Flow is a rate of change: fif­teen dollars an hour, or three-thousand tooth picks a day. Easy. Too easy.

But I actually think stock and flow is the master metaphor for media today. Here’s what I mean:

Flow is the feed. It’s the posts and the tweets. It’s the stream of daily and sub-daily updates that remind people that you exist.

Stock is the durable stuff. It’s the content you pro duce that’s as inter­est ing in two months (or two years?) as it is today. It’s what peo ple dis­cover via search. It’s what spreads slowly but surely, build ing fans over time.

Read the full article: Stock and Flow

(via bobulate)

No Pants Subway Ride 2010

Read more about the No Pants Subway Ride Mission by Improv Everywhere.

A4 Dinner Plates

Having grown up with the A4 Paper Format, I admit, I do miss it. The A4 piece of paper is the iconic inspiration for this series of porcelain dining ware. True to its roots, the A4 dining plate measures exactly 297 by 210 millimeters across. The sideplate is based on the A5 size (210×148.5) as is the soup bowl. With an A5 being exacly half the size of an A4, arranging the plates together in different ways becomes an art in itself. Portrait dining, anyone?

(thank you thomas)

test pattern puzzle

How much fun is this Test Pattern Puzzle? And while we’re at the Test Pattern Subject, check out the Wall Mounted Test Pattern Clock.

Handmade CMYK

Evelin Kasikov, an artist and designer working in London pointed me to her tactile work of handmade prints. I have fallen in love with her handmade CMYK. I am sure this will make printers chuckle.

CMYK embroidery is a hand-made printing process, based on computer generated halftone screens. Images are halftoned according to conventional screen angles: Cyan 105, Magenta 75, Yellow 90 and Black 45. Dot screens are the transformed into cross-stitch screens, printed on paper and marked for embroidery. Evelin uses cotton threads in CMYK colours; the intensity of colour depends on the number of strands used. The final outcome is a printed page created by hand.

Hand painted peanuts gang

This Hand painted peanuts gang gets my vote!


This sled is based on the archetypal wooden workhorse that used to be made by laymen and carpenters alike in Dalvik. The sleds came in different shapes and sizes, depending on intended usage: anything from plunging down a hillside to dragging groceries through the snow-covered landscape. The project endeavors to celebrate a useful object from the past and present it t. D-Sled available on

Nautical Stripe Pillow

Nautical Stripe Pillow. Pretty.