♥ / Organize Your Inbox (and Never Waste Time on Email Again) With SaneBox

A big thank you to SaneBox for sponsoring my blog, RSS feed and newsletter this week.

Clean up your inbox today and keep it that way forever. SaneBox uses personalized algorithms to quickly learn your email habits and show your most important messages first, while filtering out the noise. Best of all, it works wherever you check email, on all clients and devices.

Get started today with this coupon: sanebox.com/swissmiss for a free 2-week trial (no CC required) plus an extra $25 towards your subscription!

ps: I personally use and *love* SaneBox!

Sweeter Than My Solitude

“My alone feels so good, I’ll only have you if you’re sweeter than my solitude.”
Warsan Shire

Maple Cream

I was invited for brunch at a friend’s house this past weekend and got introduced to Maple Cream. My life will never be the same. It’s as if a creamy honey and maple sirup had a baby. It’s a sweet, creamy, delicious spread. HEAVEN!

Love Intentionally, Extravagantly, Unconditionally

“Do not be dismayed by the brokenness of the world. All things break, and all things can be mended. Not with time, as they say, but with intention. So go. Love intentionally, extravagantly, unconditionally. The broken world waits in darkness for the light that is you.”
— L.R. Knost


Single Sheet of Paper Zine

I love this so much.

Leaving and Waving

For 27 years, Deanna Dikeman took photographs as she waved good-bye and drove away from visiting her parents at their home in Sioux City, Iowa. She started in 1991 with a quick snapshot, and continued taking photographs with each departure. She never set out to make this series. She just took these photographs as a way to deal with the sadness of leaving. It gradually turned into their good-bye ritual. And it seemed natural to keep the camera busy, because she had been taking pictures every day while she was there. These photographs are part of a larger body of work she calls Relative Moments, which has chronicled the lives of her parents and other relatives since 1986. When she discovered the series of accumulated “leaving and waving” photographs, she found a story about family, aging, and the sorrow of saying good-bye.

I love this so much.

(via Coralie)

Link Pack

This video of Marina Abramovic seeing her former partner Ulay for the first time in years, during her The Artist is Present Performance at the MoMA, always makes me cry. So moving. You can read more here.

– Never use a single-use plastic sandwich bag again. Bring your favorite food and snacks with you wherever you go in these convenient and reusable silicone snack bags!

– Sometimes I want to charge my Apple iPhone but also use my regular plug-in headphones, but I can’t. Node would come in handy.

– I had my US citizenship interview this week. Wonder what questions they ask. Here you go.

– Wonderful Design Matters Interview with Chani Nicolas.

– Such a good read: A creative person’s guide to negotiating

The GIF we all need right now. I admit, Elizabeth Warren pulling out of the presidential race made my heart sink.

– Number 14: Spacial Context

This is a great site for smaller, architectural gems that you can stay in. Worldwide. (via)

How to flip disagreements into something productive: ask open-ended questions like “This clearly matters to you, can you help me understand why?”

A desk is opening up in April at Friend Work Here, my small but mighty, heart-foward cowering community.

The Power of Unplugging One Day A Week. (via Dense Discovery)

This thread: What is one idea that, once you learned it, you started to notice it everywhere?

Wash your damn hands.

Community Building Resources

This is delightful: Danielle went to her local Costco and replaced the signs for sold out items like toilet paper and bottled water with signs for magical items like: health potions, dowsing rods, tarot decks, summoning orbs, soul gems, healing crystals, and invisibility amulets.

– There are over 95 remote positions listed on the CreativeMornings Job Board.

– Did you know a line of temporary tattoos designed by real tattoo artists?

The Alliance of Downtown New York is searching nationwide for an urban explorer to live rent-free just off Wall Street all summer long and get paid to show the world Lower Manhattan through their eyes. (Thank you for sponsoring my blog this week!)

My Love Language

Whatever arises…

“Whatever arises, love that.”
— Matt Kahn

This book is rocking my world.

A Desk is Opening Up at Friends Work Here

Psst… there is a desk opening up at Friends Work Here, my small but mighty, heart-forward coworking community of creative minds.

If it wasn’t for the support of this community, I would not have started my various businesses. It takes a village of a support system to live a creatively courageous life. Reach out if you’re interested over on friendsworkhere.com

ps: Here’s a recent 99u article about FRIENDS.

♥ / The Lower Manhattan Explorer in Chief Summer Dream Job Contest

A big thank you to The Alliance of Downtown New York for sponsoring my blog, RSS feed and newsletter this week.

The Alliance of Downtown New York is searching nationwide for an urban explorer to live rent-free just off Wall Street all summer long and get paid to show the world Lower Manhattan through their eyes.

Ideal applicants will have a camera-ready personality, a keen eye, a distinctive voice and the chops to produce compelling, entertaining content. They’ll be someone who is charismatic and comfortable as the center of attention but who knows that the location is, ultimately, the star.

Show them what you got in 60 seconds or less: Are you cut out to be Lower Manhattan’s Explorer In Chief? Enter today.

Hidden Illustrations in Swiss Maps

I love everything about this: For decades, cartographers have been hiding covert illustrations inside of Switzerland’s official maps.

(Thank you Chesley)


I have fallen in love with Blacksaw Blankets. Check their brand video to learn more about this lovely Canada based company.

Nocturn Catch

This beautiful Walnut catch-all by Craighill would look good in my home.

We Are Going To Be Fine


“My Little Piece of Privacy”

This made me laugh: To stop passersby from peeping into his workshop, Niklas Roy strung up a small white, *motorized* lace curtain in his window. Outside movement triggers a motor to position the thin fabric in front of the person attempting to look inside. Funny.


I am so grateful I have people in my life who love spreadsheets, so I don’t have to. I buy them all this hat.

Link Pack


– This is unreal: Japanese artist Yoshihiro Suda creates hyper-realistic sculptures of plants and flowers in the tradition of Japanese woodcarving.

– I asked on Twitter: What is something you’ve learned you wish you’d known sooner? The responses are wonderful.

– I love cheese. I love puzzles: Tiny Blue Cheese Puzzle.

– Forever mesmerized by Theo Jansen’s Strandbeests

Question Bank for Better 1:1s

12 Life Goal Categories (via)

– This vintage gas station art thingy makes me happy.

Why 1.5 billion people eat with chopsticks

– “But the main observation I came home with after this trip is this: America is a rich country that feels like a poor country. If you look at the investment in and the care put into infrastructure, common areas, and the experience of being in public in places like Singapore, Amsterdam, Paris, and Berlin and compare it to American cities, the difference is quite stark. Individual wealth in America is valued over collective wealth and it shows.” Jason Kottke’s Trip to Vietnam, Singapore, and Qatar

Live generously.

– Tara Brach’s guided meditation on self-compassion.

Bloom: A Touching Animated Short Film about Depression and What It Takes to Recover the Light of Being

– Lady Gaga teases “Stupid Love”, shot on iPhone 11 Pro

– Ink Rx? Welcome to the World of Paramedical Tattoos

Life Stats since you were born. This is so fun! (via)

– Psst.. Tattly is running a leap year sale. It’s just about to end.

– A big thank you to Oak for sponsoring my blog this week. I love and use Dropmark every day.

French Onion Soup

French Onion Soup Recipe. Definitely giving this a try!

Fall In Love With Life

“You don’t have to move mountains. Simply fall in love with life. Be a tornado of happiness, gratitude and acceptance. You will change the world just by being a warm, kind hearted human being.”
— Anita Krizzan

Ode to New York

(via Bailey)

DO Wales

I have attended three DO Lectures and each one made my heart and brain expand. It’s a remarkable gathering; thoughtful, heartfelt, pure, grounded. While this video about DO comes close, it’s impossible to convey the magic of attending. If you ever have the luxury of taking a few days off and travel to Wales, put DO on your radar.

This is my DO talk from 2 years ago. It’s personal. And it was *very* hot in that barn.

Plant Propagation Vessel

I am in love with these Plant Propagation Vessels. They would look so good in my apartment. Wishlisted!

A Box of Tissues

Made me smile: A box of tissues, by Jaejoon Jang.