♥ / Traadee Custom Stock Ticker Pillow

A big thank you to Traadee for sponsoring my blog and RSS Feed this week.

Stock Ticker as never seen before! Traadee.com lets you personalize a throw pillow with colorful designs, turning simple Ticker Symbol into miniature works of art perfect for your couch or bed.

A meaningful gift for your favorite investor or trader—or yourself!

Design Matters: Malcolm Gladwell

In this Design Matters episode Malcolm Gladwell discusses his new book, “Talking to Strangers”—and how we default to truth … but not necessarily the whole truth.

No one does interviews better than Debbie Millman. No one.

A Beautiful Fire Extinguisher

A Japanese company that has been making firefighting equipment for almost 130 years, designed a minimal set of fire extinguishers to encourage people to keep one in their home. Love. Love. Love.

The Cost of Being Wrong

“The cost of being wrong is less than the cost of doing nothing.”
— Seth Godin


This simple gadget called AirFly connects your AirPods to anything with a headphone jack. In my case, I wanted to be able to use my AirPods during an airplane ride. And it worked. Seamlessly. You could also use it at the gym. Or for your computer games. Well done, Twelve South.

Beautiful News Daily

Beautiful News Daily is a collection of good news, positive trends, uplifting statistics and facts — all beautifully visualized by Information is Beautiful. Celebrating amazing things happening in the world, thanks to human ingenuity, endeavour and collaboration. YES!

Link Pack

Watch two NASA astronauts conduct the first all-female spacewalk in history

Goodness Bot, here to drown out mean and negative tweets with positivity, and help fight the epidemic of cyberbullying! (via)

– OMG! This Ride On Scooter! WANT!

TED Masterclass: An app-based public speaking course that will help you identify, develop and share your best ideas in the form of TED-style talks

– I was told this Confit Byaldi (aka Fancy Ratatouille) is delicious. Saving it here to come back to it.

What was the book that helped you the most in 2019?

– “When Oprah interviewed Michelle Obama, Oprah asked how Michelle got over feeling intimidated sitting at big tables filled with smart, powerful men and Michelle said, ‘You realize pretty quickly that a lot of them aren’t that smart.’ I think about that quote every single day.” What Quotes Do You Love?

5-Hour Workdays? 4-Day Workweeks? Yes, Please

– I am crazy excited about Esther Perel speaking at this Friday’s CreativeMornings in NYC. You can sign up, at 11am, tomorrow, Monday November 11th.

When you need to share tough feedback

I Accidentally Uncovered a Nationwide Scam on Airbnb

– I want to visit the library in Helsinki.

Fireworks that are far too beautiful to burn. (via)

– I am currently really digging the Eucalyptus Tattly. It’s scented.

– A big thank you to Ode to Things for sponsoring my blog and RSS Feed this week.

CreativeMornings has a new homepage. It makes me happy.

Moon Ribas

I am currently attending The House of Beautiful Business in Lisbon and one of the speakers that stopped me in my tracks was Moon Ribas. She has implants that let her feel earthquakes happening around the earth. She is the co-founder of the Cyborg foundation, together with Neil Harrison.



“If you don’t care who gets the credit you can do a lot of good in this world.”
— Esther Abraham Hicks

Saying Goodbye to the Person You Used To Be

SoulPancake traveled to Springfield, Missouri to visit Kyle who is putting on “A Funeral for the People We Used to Be.” He is collecting submissions from people of all the things they want to let go about the past so he can burn them in a cardboard viking ship. Submit yours here.

Kyle is the person who had a Viking funeral for his 20s.

Virtual Choir

Composer Eric Whitacre started the Virtual Choir; an experiment that connects singers from every corner of the globe. What a moving experiment. Love everything about this.

♥ / Ode to Things

A big thank you to Ode to Things for sponsoring my blog and RSS Feed this week.

Ode to Things is an online store for the discerning collector, featuring quality home/office goods and accessories. Its founders believe that the more everyday an item is, the higher quality it needs to be. They have sought artisans, makers, and designers from around the world to source products that are inspired and meaningful. Every piece is created to be timeless, using the finest materials and craftsmanship.

Get 15% off your order at odetothings.com with offer code SWISSMISS. Good opportunity to add some style to your Thanksgiving.

Fireproof Document Bag

I don’t know how I stumbled upon this Fireproof Document Bag, but here I am and I am impressed. It’s super good looking and protects your most important documents from water and fire damage.

This Could Be Our Future

Yancey Strickler wrote a book and I can not wait to read it. The book’s main message is speaking to my heart, showing a vision for building a society that looks beyond money and toward maximizing the values that make life worth living. YES!

Drink Rocks

Oh, I love these Drink Rocks. They keep your spirits as they should be: undiluted. These shaped stones are designed to be chilled in your freezer before being admired in your evening cocktail.

Fun Links To Click On


– Come work with me! Tattly is looking to hire a kind, growth-minded Head of Sales!

Don’t Serve Burnt Pizza (And Other Lessons in Building Minimum Lovable Products)

– “Being a strong man includes being kind. There’s nothing weak about being honorable and treating others with respect.”
President Obama

The world’s largest outdoor escalator is completely bonkers. It looks like a dragon.

– Do you have a hard time remembering the keyboard shortcut for an emdash? There’s a website for it.

It’s so much more than cooking. The mental load of food prep is heavy — and women are often the ones to carry it.

– Patagonia founder Yvon Chouinard talks about the sustainability myth, the problem with Amazon—and why it’s not too late to save the planet

– The DO Lectures are slowly but surely releasing all of their talks in their DO podcast. Here’s mine from 2018.

How to travel like a local

– Young adults are turning into plant parents as a manifestation of deep mourning over the planet they are inheriting — a concept called “ecological grief

– A group in Japan holds a Halloween event where people come dressed not as witches, Avengers, or zombies but in everyday “mundane” costumes. i.e “woman who forgot to take out the trash” and “woman who showed up to a BBQ with no intention of helping out”. Love this.

Social Media Has Not Destroyed A Generation

Secrets of People Who Stay Happy in the Worst Circumstances

– Every time I attend a dinner party or party in general, I make sure I am stocked up on Tattly Tins. Everyone gets so excited when I pull them out.

– CreativeMornings has a job board. It’s global. It makes me happy.

– A big thank you to Onsen for sponsoring my blog and RSS feed this week.

Embroidered Beanie

Lingua Franca just launched Embroidered 100% Cashmere Beanies. Love these so much. If you’re not familiar with Lingua Franca, check out the sweaters. That’s how it all started. So good, right?

How To Talk To Kids About Climate Change

I needed this. Thank you NPR.

-Shift-K in Slack

♥ / Onsen

A big thank you to Onsen for sponsoring my blog and RSS feed this week.

What do your towels smell like? Are they still a little wet from yesterdays shower? Ew.

If you’re ready for a different toweling experience, try the Onsen towel. Surprisingly lightweight, absurdly absorbent, and dries like its job depended on it. But don’t take our word for it, see what these complete strangers are saying get them so excited about a towel.

Try it for 60 days at onsentowel.com.

(Psst… I have replaced all towels with Onsen towels in my house! LOVE them!)

(Interested in sponsoring a week of my RSS feed, learn more here.)

Zero Co

Super fun Kickstarter video with a smart product idea: Zero Co is aiming to help eliminate single use plastic by sending you refill pouches.

The octopus stroking his cheek is hilarious.

A Definition of Love by Esther Perel

“It’s a verb. It’s an active engagement with all kinds of feelings—positive ones and primitive ones and loathsome ones. But it’s a very active verb. And it’s often surprising how it can kind of ebb and flow. It’s like the moon. We think it’s disappeared, and suddenly it shows up again. It’s not a permanent state of enthusiasm.”

Full article: Love is not a permanent state of enthusiasm


Love this Feelings Hat by Adam JK.

Marc Morrone

What is this wild show? Did you grow up with this? I am completely amazed.