♥ / Onsen

A big thank you to Onsen for sponsoring my blog and RSS feed this week.

What do your towels smell like? Are they still a little wet from yesterdays shower? Ew.

If you’re ready for a different toweling experience, try the Onsen towel. Surprisingly lightweight, absurdly absorbent, and dries like its job depended on it. But don’t take our word for it, see what these complete strangers are saying get them so excited about a towel.

Try it for 60 days at onsentowel.com.

(Psst… I have replaced all towels with Onsen towels in my house! LOVE them!)

(Interested in sponsoring a week of my RSS feed, learn more here.)

Zero Co

Super fun Kickstarter video with a smart product idea: Zero Co is aiming to help eliminate single use plastic by sending you refill pouches.

The octopus stroking his cheek is hilarious.

A Definition of Love by Esther Perel

“It’s a verb. It’s an active engagement with all kinds of feelings—positive ones and primitive ones and loathsome ones. But it’s a very active verb. And it’s often surprising how it can kind of ebb and flow. It’s like the moon. We think it’s disappeared, and suddenly it shows up again. It’s not a permanent state of enthusiasm.”

Full article: Love is not a permanent state of enthusiasm


Love this Feelings Hat by Adam JK.

Marc Morrone

What is this wild show? Did you grow up with this? I am completely amazed.

Modern Manners

YES! The School of Life Guide to Modern Manners!

Exhale Supernova Tote

Dear world,
I have fallen in love with the Exhale Supernova Tote by Hoi Bo.
I wanted you all to know.
Ok, bye!

Not Choosing

I am deeply feeling this quote.


Too Heavy

I have always wondered about this phenomenom. It makes no sense. Also, funny.


“Marriage is an aggregate of multiple narratives. It belongs to the people who are in it, but it also belongs to the people who are supporting it and living around it: family, friends, community. As I once said, and it became a kind of a saying for me, when you pick a partner, you pick a story, and then you find yourself in a play you never auditioned for. And that is when the narratives clash.”
— Esther Perel

Full article: Love is not a permanent state of enthusiasm

This Made Me Laugh

Creature by Virgin Honey

This Is Glorious

Forgive, Forgive, Forgive

“In any bond of depth and significance, forgive, forgive, forgive. And then forgive again. The richest relationships are lifeboats, but they are also submarines that descend to the darkest and most disquieting places, to the unfathomed trenches of the soul where our deepest shames and foibles and vulnerabilities live, where we are less than we would like to be. Forgiveness is the alchemy by which the shame transforms into the honor and privilege of being invited into another’s darkness and having them witness your own with the undimmed light of love, of sympathy, of nonjudgmental understanding. Forgiveness is the engine of buoyancy that keeps the submarine rising again and again toward the light, so that it may become a lifeboat once more.”

13 Life-Learnings from 13 Years of Brain Pickings. Happy blog-birthday Maria!

♥ / New Layer Podcast

A big thank you to Tanner of Shape for sponsoring my blog and RSS Feed this week.

Shape’s New Layer podcast is a conversation on everything digital product design, with hosts Tanner Christensen and Jasmine Friedl.

Each week they cover topics around design careers, tools, education, critique, and more. Listeners call New Layer insightful, delightful, and thought-provoking, a “must listen podcast” for product designers.

New Layer is available on all your favorite podcasting apps, listen and subscribe!

One Foot At A Time

Really digging the message on these socks. I already own this version.

Meditation Cushion

Ok, these are some aesthetically pleasing meditation cushions.

Marco Polo Video Chat App

I just discovered the Marco Polo Video Chat App and I am intrigued. With my family and a lot of my friends living in different parts of the world, I often find it hard to stay in touch beyond just text and email. Marco Polo seems to have cracked this nut. You can talk/ aka record a video message when you’re on the go, between appointments, whenever it’s convenient for you. Your friend can watch in real time or later. Unlike other video apps, you don’t need to be live. It’s safe and private. So, that means, no likes, no comments. Dreamy!


“The moment one gives close attention to any thing, even a blade of grass it becomes a mysterious, awesome, indescribably magnificent world in itself.”
— Henry Miller

Evidence of What You Are

“What you are living is the evidence of what you are thinking and feeling every single time.”
— Abraham Hicks

Enylee Parker

This lamp sculpture by Enylee Parker makes me swoon.

Spoko Meditation Stool

I recently bought this Meditation Stool by Spoko which allows me to meditate on the floor now, and no longer on my couch or on a chair. I am tall and inflexible and I am super uncomfortable sitting on the floor when meditating. This stool is not only comfortable but also beautiful. Super happy about this purchase.

Pure Magic

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Pure magic! (Repost @discoverocean)

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The Invisible Dog Season 11

I have been a fan of what Lucien is building with the Invisible Dog since it launched 11 years ago. And for the last 4 years I have had the honor to give my companies a home inside the building that is named after his organization. If you love what Lucien does for the arts, the neighborhood of Boerum Hill and beyond, consider supporting his Kickstarter.

Shizuka Tatsuno Water Carafes

Absolutely stunning: Shizuka Tatsuno Water Carafe.