True Success

“What if we measured true success not by the amount of money you have but by the amount of human energy you unlock, the amount of potential you enable? If that were our metric, our world would be a different place.”
Jacqueline Novogratz

How To Write by Elizabeth Gilbert

1) Tell your story TO someone. Pick one person you love or admire or want to connect with, and write the whole thing directly to them —like you’re writing a letter. This will bring forth your natural voice. Whatever you do, do NOT write to a demographic. Ugh.

2) Start at the beginning of the story, write what happened, and keep going until you get to the end.

3) Use radically simple sentences.

4) Don’t worry if it’s good; just finish it. Whether or not your project is good, you’ll be a different person at the end of it, and that’s always worth doing.

5) Don’t write with the aim of changing anybody’s life. That will lead to heavy, irritating prose. Just share what delights or enrages or fascinates you. If somebody’s life is changed by it, that’s a bonus.

6) Whenever you can, tell stories instead of explaining stuff. Humans love stories, and we hate having stuff explained to us. Use Jesus as an example: He spoke almost exclusively in parables, and allowed everybody to draw their own lessons from his great storytelling. And he did very well.

7) Your work doesn’t have to be any particular length, or written for any particular market. It doesn’t have to even be seen by another human being. How and if to publish your work is a problem for another day. For today, just write.

8) Remember that you’ve been doing research your whole life, merely by existing. You are the only expert in your own experience. Embrace this as your supreme qualification.

9) Every writer starts in the same place on Day One: Super excited, and ready for greatness. On Day Two, every writer looks at what she wrote on Day One and hates herself. What separates working writers from non-working writers is that working writers return to their task on Day Three. What gets you there is not pride but mercy. Show yourself forgiveness, for not being good enough. Then keep going.

10) Be willing to let it be easy. You might be surprised.

Elizabeth Gilbert

Pillar Vase

Yes to this aesthetic. So much YES!

You Are Beautiful Yard Sign

This yard sign makes me wish I had a yard.

Reasons To Be Cheerful

David Byrne started a magazine called Reasons To Be Cheerful in which he and his team tell stories that reveal that there are, in fact, a surprising number of reasons to feel cheerful. Many of these reasons come in the form of smart, proven, replicable solutions to the world’s most pressing problems. Reasons to be Cheerful is here to tell you about some of them. Through sharp reporting, their stories balance a sense of healthy optimism with journalistic rigor, and find cause for hope. It is part magazine, part therapy session, part blueprint for a better world.

I love EVERYTHING about this.

Link Pack

David Byrne Launches Reasons to Be Cheerful

– A fold up kayak? Yes please.

– I attended my first plant swap last Sunday and it was such a delightful experience. Find a plant swap near you!

– Book Alert: Get Together: How to build a community with your people

The School of Life is hosting a conference in NYC, weekend of October 4-6. I want to go!

– David Byrne Launches Reasons to Be Cheerful, an Online Magazine Featuring Articles by Byrne, Brian Eno & More

What Work Should You Outsource?

– This North Star Quilt is making me swoon.

– Gah! These modern concrete vases!

– I was gifted a copy of this book, Mending Matters and absolutely love it.

How to keep your home address off the internet.

– Ooooh, this Acorn pendant. Acorns are a symbol of strength and potential, ideal for anyone starting a new phase of life or beginning a new venture.

– As if I couldn’t love The Sill any more: They now offer 1-on-1 virtual plant consultations from the comfort of your home or office.

– I love following Jason Polan on Instagram. It’s always a tad bit weird. I like weird.

– Monica DiCristina interviewed me for her lovely podcast called Still Becoming. It was a generous, warm conversation. It made me happy.

– FUN! Tabletop Bowling.

– This is cute: Coffey Money

– A baseball cap that simply says Wonderful? I’d wear it.

– Elizabeth Gilbert was told to give up her dreams of being a writer. She didn’t—and we’re all the better for it. In this DesignMatters conversation, she discusses how to move past fear and unleash your creativity.

The Place Where American Slavery Began

Shhhhh. Listen Closely. Your Plants Might Be Talking

– I went to visit Sprout Brooklyn and my heart swelled up. What a beautiful plant shop. Instead of buying all the plants, I just want move in.

– Psst… Tattly is currently running a 25% off sale. And no, summer is not over.

– I get so excited scrolling through all the listed positions over at our CreativeMornings Job Board. So many opportunities to grow, learn and make new meaningful connections. (You can search all type of comittment levels: full-time, part-time, contract, freelance, internship, remote…)

– A big thank you to Parsons at Open Campus for sponsoring my blog this week.

Wooden Dowel Plant Holders

I absolutely love these Wooden Dowel Plant Holders. Mandi generously explains you can make your own, over on her blog, Vintage Revivals.

You Gotta Show Up

“You certainly can’t lead from behind a desk, and you can’t lead with email. It’s a human enterprise. It’s the same reason you can’t parent through texting. You can’t coach a baseball team with email. You’ve got to show up.”
— Simon Sinek

Listen to this wonderful conversation between Debbie Millman and Simon Sinek.

What Choral Singing Can Teach us About Leadership

As someone who recently started a choir, even though I am terrified of singing, and as someone who leads teams, this article really spoke to me.

I Thought I Had A Lot of Plants…

I thought I had a lot of plants until I saw this house tour of Summer Rayne Oakes. I thoroughly enjoy what she shares on Instagram and I just ordered her book How To Make A Plant Love You. Also, she taught me how to fight Fungus Gnats. An overall lovely human. Also, I think her parents did an incredible job naming her. So much respect.


“You have to be odd to be number one.”
― Dr. Seuss

♥ / Master Visual Storytelling with a Certificate in Infographics & Data Visualization

A big thank you to Parsons at Open Campus for sponsoring my blog this week.

Transform hard data into compelling visuals with an online certificate program in Infographics and Data Visualization, offered through Parsons at Open Campus. In this series of five online courses, you will:

– Learn how to strategize and adapt large quantities of data into a visual medium
– Enhance your skills in color theory, typography, design hierarchy, balance, symmetry, composition, and grid
– Draw upon elements of graphic design, statistics, and computer science to bring complex data to life
– Learn under the guidance of our distinguished faculty, who are practitioners in the field.
– Develop a digital portfolio of data visualization projects that showcase your ability to perform in the contemporary Data Viz workplace

Get started now >>

(Interested in sponsoring a week of my RSS feed, learn more here.)

Canvas Market Tote by Baggu

Oh yes, this Canvas Market Tote by Baggu is beautiful.

Modern Propagation Planter

How amazing is this Plant Propagation Wall? Gah!

Modern Soft Magnetic Letters

I bought some soft magnetic letters for our office door and the fun we’re having! So simple! So fun! Best business expense besides our bubble machine, confetti drawer and swing.

Link Pack

Mesmerizing Video Of Vibrant Paint Balls Absorbing and Dissolving

– Oh! A plate with a dividing line. I like this.

Empty billboards. (via)

Pessimist / Optimist Glasses.

We have ruined childhood, by Kim Brooks.

– Oh, these planters! I like!

– This Bear Shaped Throw is amazing.

– You think you have a good eye and can tell if something is centered? Try this. (via Chris)

– These helping hands salad servers are super adorable. (via)

How to get press for your creative work

Katerina Kamprani designs sublimely dysfunctional everyday objects

Pom Pom Tutorial

A human-sized barrel jellyfish near Cornwall

– Questions you can ask instead of how are you?

– Need a fun small gift that will get people laughing and talking? Tattly Tins are the beeeeest!

– There are so many cool jobs posted on the CreativeMornings job board. Go check them out.

Who Can Be Called a Single Mom?

As a mom who is co-parenting 50/50 with my children’s father I thoroughly enjoyed this Spawned podcast episode with Rachel Sklar on Who Can Be Called a Single Mom?

Come To The Edge

“Come to the edge.
“We might fall.
Come to the edge.
It’s too high!
And they came
And he pusehd
And they flew.”

— Christopher Logue

Bedroom Plant Goals

Plant goals! Who wouldn’t want to sleep under a canopy of plants?

Hot Water Bottle

Now this is what I call a stylish hot water bottle.

Conciously Deactivate A Thought

“The only way to consciously deactivate a thought is to activate another. In other words, the only way to deliberately withdraw your attention from one thought is to give your attention to another.”
― Esther Hicks

Sting And Shaggy: Tiny Desk Concert

I love NPR’s Tiny Desk Concerts so much!

Watercolor Bee Tattly

Watercolor Bee Tattly by Helen Dealtry. A new favorite.

Videos of Traditional Countryside Life in China

Li Ziqi runs a YouTube Channel sharing relaxing videos of her traditional countryside life in China.

(via Kottke)