How To Overcome your Childhood

This book caught my attention: How To Overcome your Childhood. Topics include:

– Emotional Inheritance (How emotional problems are handed down from parent to child)
– The Golden Child Syndrome (How too much love from our parents can be just as damaging as too little)
– Over-Achievement (How we compensate for emotional neglect through worldly success)
– Splitting (How we fail to reconcile between the good and bad aspects of our parents)
– Soothing (How we still require the kinds of affection we received as children)
– Becoming an Adult (How recognising our immaturity is the key to growth)

The Joy You Feel

“There is no desire that anyone holds for any other reason than that they believe they will feel better in the achievement of it. Whether it is a material object, a physical state of being, a relationship, a condition, or a circumstance – at the heart of every desire is the desire to feel good. And so, the standard of success in life is not the things or the money – the standard of success is absolutely the amount of joy you feel.”
― Esther Hicks

Sculptural Planters

Wow, these planters are crazy sculptural. I love it!

Swell Food Containers

Swell has entered the food container market. This is exciting.


This BOSS Necklace by Automic Gold made me chuckle. I bought a super delicate chain ring from them this weekend and LOVE it. I also am really intrigued by their tagline “radically inclusive jewelry”, founded by a genderqueer NYC couple.

Role Models

“You can’t be what you can’t see.”
― Marian Wright Edelman

Dawn City Skin Potion

I was gifted this Monk Oil last week and it makes me happy. I believe it protects and supports me in my day to day, in this bustling city of NYC.

The Answer is Love: Evolving out of “Bad Other”

I needed to hear this. I appreciate it Tara Brach so much. She has gotten me through some dark times and keeps reminding me to stay in my heart.

Josh Blackwell

Plastic bag art by Josh Blackwell.

Link Pack

Daisy the Great – “I’m Fine”

– Excited to be featured in Creative Spaces, a new book by my friends at Poketo. The book explores the lives, homes and studios of 20+ creative entrepreneurs, authors, musicians, chefs, artists and designers through a tour of their creative interiors.

– This minimal scent diffuser by Skandinavisk is beautiful!

– This article! ‘I Hate Dating Apps So Much!

– Gah! A collection of stunning, modern resort houses in Poland.

Athleisure, barre and kale: the tyranny of the ideal woman

– “Aristotle talks of our passions as being like a horse which has a life of its own. We are riders who have to take into account the life if the horse on order to guide it where we want it to go. We are not called to suppress our passions or compulsions, nor to confront them head on, nor to be governed by them, but to orientate them in the direction we want to go.” Jean Vanier, Becoming Human

10 simple steps to enjoy daily life. YES! (via)

The Technology of Kindness

– My thinking partner and teacher Robin Rice is starting a new program on September 9th that I would totally sign up for if I wasn’t already engaged in her Rainmaker program. She is wonderful, helping me navigate all of life’s challenges and most of all, teaches me to trust my own judgement and intuition so I can handle any storm on my own, once our engagement is over. (Robin’s Earlybird special ended on August 15th, but mention Swissmiss when you apply and she’ll honor it through September 1st. It’s a whopping $1,000 discount.)

A Beagle shaped house. Of course.

– Do you have a personal ritual? (Yes, sitting on the couch with my coffee, every morning, checking in with myself, then meditating.)

The unconventional, new-age ways people are getting buried. WTF! Scattering ashes at Disney World? What?! (via)

Leadership: You can’t make people change. But you can create an environment where they choose to.

Barack Obama’s Summer 2019 Reading List

This book! OMG!

– Have you ever wondered what Peppa Pig looks like from the front?

A Google Doc with lots of gems if you’re in a first-time sales role (or have to do sales as a startup founder)

– A CreativeGuild company profile allows you to post unlimited jobs on the global CreativeMornings job board.

Bumble bee Tattly.

– A big thank you to Parsons at Open Campus for sponsoring my blog this week.

Moon Puzzle

Completely in love with this Moon Puzzle.

♥ / Create World-Class User Experiences with UX Design

A big thank you to Parsons at Open Campus for sponsoring my blog this week.

This fall, broaden your skill set and learn more about the rapidly expanding field of user experience design. With the new User-Centered Design (UX/UI) Certificate offered by Parsons at Open Campus, you can learn to increase users’ satisfaction and encourage interaction with systems, services, or products by drawing on user research and human-centered design. In this five-course online program, you will:

– Learn about the iterative design process in which designers and stakeholders focus on user needs

– Gain an understanding of the design cycle, the user journey, persona development, analysis, affinity mapping, and user flow

– Prototype software products (apps or websites), services, or physical products

– Set up Web analytics, conduct A/B testing, delegate remote testing, and validate and improve your designs with feedback

Get started now >>

(Interested in sponsoring a week of my RSS feed, learn more here.)

Take Good Care Oracle Deck

I found this Take good Care Deck at my local coffee shop. It’s sits on my desk and every morning I pull a card to set the tone for the day. Today’s card was “the path is not linear”. Love this so much. Definitely a new favorite to gift to friends. Get yours here.

Kathryn Engberg

Beautiful new mini documentary by Bas Berkhout on the incredibly talented, young painter Kathryn Engberg.

(Bas did one on me, many moons ago. Amazing to look back and see how much I have grown.)

Butter for President

This T-Shirt made laugh. (Also, I own a framed oil-painting of a stick of butter. Seriously.)

A 3-Course Meal In A Coffee Maker

My 13 year old has a real love for all things Tasty. I understand why. This video in which a chef was challenged to cook a 3-course meal in a coffee maker is incredible.

10 Years with Hayao Miyazaki

10 Years with Hayao Miyazaki: An exclusive, behind-the-scenes look at the genius of Japan’s foremost living film director, Hayao Miyazaki. Miyazaki allowed a single documentary filmmaker to shadow him at work, as he dreamed up characters and plot lines for what would become his 2008 blockbuster, “Ponyo on the Cliff by the Sea.”

Link Pack

This talk moved me.

– This rocking chair knits as you move back and forth.

This is a beautiful Twitter thread on leadership and lifting up the next generation.

The Legacy of Toni Morrison, by Roxane Gay

Carrd: Simple, free, fully responsive one-page sites for pretty much anything.

– I am completely fascinated by this: People retrofit their vintage cars with Tesla motors.

– I want to go here. Please.

– Ears form a heart when you put them side by side. Also the word EAR is in heart. Love this.

PolyGlu is a coagulant made from fermented soybeans to purify water. It’s safe and eco-friendly and just a gram can treat up to 5 liters of polluted water.

– I discovered these Turkish Towels at my local Brooklyn farmer’s market a few months ago, bought a few and am completely in love.

– Over 200 free icebreaker questions you can use to start any team meeting or gathering

– “But the most radical act we can commit is to be well!” The Black Art of Escape, by Casey Gerald.

Nomad List – Best Cities to live and work remotely

– Are you a Miyazaki obsessive? If so, you’ll enjoy this series covering 10 years of his life. (via)

– As a single founder, this moved me: Best friends for 30 years, business partners for 15. Mills and Sinx, Co-founders of ustwo, are a testament to the strength of friendship.

– I like this birds-eye-view photograph of skiers.

22 percent of millennials say they have “no friends”

– Love this question: What are you secretly good at?

– Ah yes, please, DIY Tiny Doors. Made me smile.

This made me laugh.

Embroidery gone tattoo.

– Do you listen to On Being with Krista Tippett? Her team is hiring a Managing Editor. (The CreativeMornings Job Board is global and currently features over 5,600 jobs, ranging from full-time, part-time, remote, contract to internship)

– A big thank you to noissue for sponsoring my blog and RSS Feed this week.

Watercolor Flowers by Helen Dealtry

I love love love this Blue Floral Watercolor Tattly Set by Helen Dealtry.

“Are People Doing The Best They Can?”

There are some real gems in this conversation between Russell Brand & Brené Brown.

This really got me thinking. Are people doing the best they can? I want to believe they do.

Pills Exploding and Dissolving

This time-lapse video by Ben Ouaniche quite beautifully shows how pills quickly disintegrate in water as they bubble, ooze, expand, and disappear.

(via Colossal)

Umbrella Hat

How are Umbrella Hats a thing? Is it weird that I want one? Who am I? Haaaaalp!

(It gets even weirder. Check this one out!)

Custom-Made Felt Cat Hats

Japanese couple Ryo and Hiromo Yamazaki create custom-made hats for their three cats out of the animals’ own shedded fur. I find this quite amusing.


Yes! Yes! Yes! Hyperlocal is where its at.