Swimming Hat

I love a good swimming hat. This one is 100% natural rubber and beautifully old-school.

Tiny Tattly Tins

Tattly just launched Tiny Tattly Tins! (Say that 10 times really fast!) They make me so happy! These tins are so teeny-weeny-tini you can take them anywhere! Plus they come with a wee sponge for easy application! Cuuuuute!

Psst.. Tattly is currently running their totally bonanza-50%-birthday-sale.

Telescopic Stainless Steel Metal Straw

My kids would totally love this reusable, telescopic stainless steel drinking straw.


“Too much intention creates tension.”

I Don’t Know

Love this painting by Wayne White.

Attention – Energy

“Life is about the management of energy, where you place your attention, is where you place your energy.”
— Dr. Joe Dispenza

How Couples Meet

This graph from a Standford University Paper on “How Couples Meet” caught my attention. ⁣

Having been single for a few years now, it seems as if apps have become the socially accepted and expected way to meet a partner. But what if the way apps work and feel is really not your jam?⁣

I am determined to help reverse that “meet through friends” graph. ⁣

When you get introduced to someone via a friend, there is instant common ground and trust. Tapping into the “web of love” as my friend Sharon Lee calls it, is where the magic happens. When a friend introduces me to someone she/he holds in high regard and loves, I show up differently, open-hearted and less garded. ⁣(By the way, this also works in a work context!)

When you meet a stranger on an app it takes a lot of hard emotional work to figure out if that person can be trusted, is a good human, is who they say they are. ⁣

Looking back, when I was still married, I realize I was so busy being married and coupled, I didn’t pay attention to who was single in my circle of friends and if I could help make an introduction.⁣

Seeing now just how hard it this to meet someone, I wish I helped my single friends more. ⁣

The IRL enthusiast that I am, and struggling with dating apps, I started asking my friends if they can think of a single friend they *love*. If they do, I ask them to write me a little paragraph about them, share their name and email so so can add them to my ever growing secret list of wonderful singles. Then they get invited to fun small gatherings. We had one so far and it was an absolutely delightful event. We are not labeling them as a singles event, we just tell them in the beginning that we all have one thing in common and they’ll probably figure out by the end of the night what that is. We are just getting started with these, Kyle and Christina are with me on the organizing committee. Best team ever.⁣

Let’s bring back IRL and reverse that graph by tapping into our “web of love”.⁣

(You can read the Stanford Study here: Disintermediating your friends © Michael Rosenfeld, Stanford University *, 2019)

The World’s Largest Election


Link Pack

– The comments on this post! What’s Your Most Awkward Date Story?

– There are some real gems in this post about wedding fails.

The ‘3.5% rule’: How a small minority can change the world: Erica Chenoweth, a political scientist at Harvard University, confirms that civil disobedience is not only the moral choice; it is also the most powerful way of shaping world politics – by a long way.

The hedgehog goes camping. Made me smile.

– I love this pinecone necklace.

– Basecamp shares their unique way of working: Shape Up.

– Offset your carbon footprint through a monthly subscription with Wren.

– This made me smile: When you get what you wished for.

Tiny branch spoon.

How to Overcome Your Childhood: A guide to understanding, and liberating ourselves from, our past.

– My friend Sue Fan just released a book, it’s called DO / Inhabit. It will help you to create a considered and beautiful home (and work space) that invites connection and creativity.

– The Best Over-Ear Headphones (I love my BOSE noise canceling headphones for work)

Intense winds cause Quebec forest to ‘breathe’. WOW!

The 4 ‘Attachment Styles,’ and How They Sabotage Your Work-Life Balance

– This hand-made braided bag is beautiful.

– The Truth About Cast Iron Pans: 7 Myths That Need To Go Away

– I love this archway mirror.

The Best Air-Cleaning Plants, According to NASA

Pack A Suitcase With Marie Kondo

This made me laugh.

– These wooden egg holders are charming.

– Yesterday was Tattly’s 8th birthday. This was my original launch post. It’s been a beautiful and at times challenging journey. Thanks to everyone who has cheered me on and supported us. Also, we just launched White ink / Glow-In-The-Dark Tattly. Get your glow on!

– The CreativeMornings Global Job Board is exploding with opportunities. This makes me happy! I noticed Netflix is currently hiring 806 jobs. Holy giant Swiss cow!

Slow Moments

“do not be afraid of slow moments.”
— yung pueblo


If someone in your life doesn’t understand (economic) privilege, show them this video.

Wooden Salad Servers

I really love these wooden salad servers.

Overcoming The Need to Be Exceptional

“It’s a rather simple question that quickly gets to the core of someone’s sense of well-being and legitimacy: did your childhood leave you feeling that you were – on balance – OK as you were? Or did you somewhere along the way derive an impression that you needed to be extraordinary in order to deserve a place on the earth?”

Overcoming the Need to Be Exceptional

Wear Space

As someone who works in an open office space and at times has difficulty focusing, I would totally be game trying this Wear Space Blinder Contraption. It looks ridiculous, yes, but hey, if it gets me to focus, I am fine with that.

A Love Poem About Prime Numbers

Last week I had the pleasure to see Poet Harry Baker perform at The Do Lectures.

Black Grid Ceramic Pitcher

This is a lovely pitcher.

Don’t Forget To Have Fun – Gravestone

Hand-made concrete gravestone by Mr. Bingo, reminding us not to forget to have fun.

Logan’s Run

This movie, Logan’s Run, made such an impression on me as a kid. I guess I was about 14 the last time I saw it with my dad. Excited to watch it again and re-experience it with a grown-up-point-of-view.

This is Water

Probably one of the most famous commencement speeches of all times: This is Water, by David Foster Wallace. 22 minutes well spent.

My DO Lectures Talk from 2018

Exactly a year ago I gave my most personal talk, sharing my spiritual journey as an entrepreneur and as a mom. I writing this from the DO Lectures 2019. I came back to this magical place, to just attend and soak it all in. No other event has ever touched me as much as DO.

I Have a Small Heart

わたしのチイサナココロ [i have a small heart] from Bajir Cannon on Vimeo.

わたしのチイサナココロ [i have a small heart] is a short documentary accompanying one woman’s journey along the Kumano Kodo through the Kii mountains of Japan. This ancient pilgrimage route, one of only two Unesco World Heritage pilgrimage sites in the world, is considered the spiritual heart of Japan.

Paying Attention

“The simple act of paying attention can take you a long way.”
— Keanu Reeves


Sculptures made from Dandelion Seeds

These delicate, miniature sculptures made from Dandelion Seeds are stunning.

Sleep Is Your Superpower

I need no convincing to sleep.