NO FUN Towel

This NO FUN Beach Towel made me laugh.

Guim Tió Zarraluki

I am mesmerized by these paintings by Guim Tió Zarraluki.

Three Things Matter

“In the end, only three things matter: how much you loved, how gently you lived, and how gracefully you let go of things not meant for you.”
— ???

Friday Link Pack (Gone Sunday)

My son Tilo has the coolest (and kindest) piano teacher: Sarah Goldstone.

– “Pregnant women operate at the metabolism limit of human endurance, just slightly ahead of elite ultramarathoners.” Ultimate limit of human endurance found

– This coming Friday, Giphy co-founder Alex Chung is speaking at CreativeMornings/NYC. I am excited.

– These vintage tv test patterns bring back memories.

Shot on iPhone XS — Christopher Anderson

– This is a lovely runner rug.

Google raids your Gmail account for signs of transactions, and collects them on a separate webpage for your account. That includes Amazon purchases, subscriptions, tickets, really anything for which you got an emailed receipt. Here’s how to find your data.

– “Meaning and happiness are apparently experienced quite differently in time. Happiness is about the present; meaning is about the future, or, more precisely, about linking past, present and future.” The meanings of life (via)

– A curated list of the best analogue and digital toolboxes and methods from companies, institutions and thinkers: The Toolbox Toolbox

– “All I want to be is someone that makes new things and thinks about them.” — John Maeda

– This is an air freshener I’d let dangle from my rear view mirror.

Photos of animals from below.

An emoji dice

Photo Wake-Up: 3D Character Animation from a Single Photo (via Chris)

– This woman knits with the largest knitting needles. I can’t stop laughing.

– I like this rainbow fringe bracelet.

– You have seen this incredible six year old, right?

– This is a beautiful, minimal watch.

– These face plant pots made me smile.

– I surprised my kids with a staycation at the brand new TWA hotel at JFK airport. It’s the original TWA airport terminal designed by Eero Saarinen. It’s an absolutely dream! It felt as if we were traveling back in time. If you live in NYC, go for dinner or drinks! SO FUN!

– I just fell in love with a plant: This one. WOW!

– Experience first hand how time flies.

– Every time I bring a Tattly Tin to a dinner party everyone goes nuts. No matter what age, humans love to pretend they got a tattoo. There is a (pretend) rebel in all of us.

CreativeMornings has a job board. It’s global. It features full-time, part time, contract, freelance, internships and remote opportunities. I wish this existed when I moved to NYC 20 years ago.

Optimist / Pessimist Tote

I want this tote so I can embroider a red strike-through on the Pessimist side.

A Joyously Spectacular Life

“If all you did was just looked for things to appreciate, you would live a joyously spectacular life.”
― Esther Abraham Hicks

Meetings with Remarkable Men

I want to watch this documentary. Don’t remember being this moved by a trailer.

Stagnation Is an Illusion

Last week, VSCO launched Make It Anyway, a call for people around the world to celebrate the creative process in its entirety – the imperfect, the unfinished, the works in progress. LOVE THIS!

Hard or Easy

“When you believe something is hard, the universe demonstrates the difficulty. When you believe something is easy, the universe demonstrates the ease.”
― Esther Abraham Hicks

Transformative Gatherings

Why do some gatherings take off and others don’t? Author Priya Parker shares three easy steps to turn your parties, dinners, meetings and holidays into meaningful, transformative gatherings.

Best 10 min I have spent in a while.

Animated Knot Tying Tutorial

Animated Knots is a collection of animated tutorials on how to tie almost 200 different knots.

(via Kottke)

This. Is. Crazy!

This is the craziest, plot twist-y Twitter thread I have ever read.

Deliberate Creative Process

“The combination of being more deliberate about what you want, more clear about what you intend, and more sensitive to the way you feel is, in essence, what the Deliberate Creative Process is all about.”
― Esther Abraham Hicks

Deactivate A Thought

“The only way to consciously deactivate a thought is to activate another. In other words, the only way to deliberately withdraw your attention from one thought is to give your attention to another.”
― Esther Abraham Hicks

A Pendulum Wave

Love this.

Broccoli and Cauliflower Halloumi Fritters

These Broccoli and Cauliflower Halloumi Fritters look delicious. They are Keto friendly, a diet I have been embracing for the last few months and have been feeling really good with. Do you have a favroite Keto friendly recipe? Care to share?

Friday Link Pack

Wonderfully raw and honest talk by David Brooks.

This image! OMG!

– Make your custom fabric, gift wrap, and wallpaper.

– This article! The Mistake I Made With My Grieving Friend

– This looks like a very soothing puzzle. Want!

“Being” vs “Doing”

4 Ways To Fight For Gun Reform If You Don’t Know Where To Start

– I would like to experience this space.

The perils of trademarking logos

– This is a whole new approach to a party spread.

– These YouTube goofballs built a xylophone that’s playable with die-cast cars.

This is funny.

– I dig the leaky bucket

This made my heart explode.

Your conference is too damn big

Men Have No Friends and Women Bear the Burden

How to Open Doors For Other People

Transforming Balloon Outfits. HA!

– A big thank you to Gessato Design Store for sponsoring my blog and RSS Feed this week.

– Is your company hiring? Tell them about the CreativeMornings Job Board.

– Temporary tattoos by real tattoo artists. Love this collection.

Beyond the Dark Forest

“When I realized I didn’t know how to be myself online, my first thought was: Who cares? It doesn’t matter. It’s just the internet.

But the more I thought about it, the more I started thinking that it did matter. There’s tremendous value in coming into yourself as a person. Why wouldn’t that be true online, too? Recognizing that my online self was lacking, I made a commitment to learn how to be myself on the internet.

I started with a simple exercise. For one week, I would tweet twice a day. (Normally I tweet about once a month.) I wouldn’t try to impress or be cool. I would try to be real and share what was actually on my mind.”

Beyond the Dark Forest , by Yancey Strickler

Confused Harmony

“All I want is a partner who is way out of my league but thinks that I’m way out of their league and we’ll live together in perfect confused harmony with a dog.”

This quote made me laugh out loud.

In Defense of Home Cooking

Renowned activist and author Michael Pollan argues that cooking is one of the simplest and most important steps people can take to improve their family’s health, build communities, fix our broken food system, and break our growing dependence on corporations.

Junghans Max Bill Chronoscope

I gasped, seeing this beauty of a watch. I never wishlisted anything this hard.

Girl Loves Her Bread

♥ / Gessato Design Store

A big thank you to Gessato Design Store for sponsoring my blog and RSS Feed this week.

Gessato Design Store is an online shop that offers the latest in contemporary design.

The shop’s expertly-curated selection includes everything from minimalist lighting and furniture to kitchen essentials, stylish accessories, and fun homeware – all of them hand-picked to make the everyday effortless and effortlessly cool.

The collection features products designed by talented, up-and-coming creatives and iconic designers who have left their mark on the world of contemporary design. Minimalist or playfully creative but always timeless and crafted with care – for design lovers, these are the kind of products that become cherished heirlooms.

Don’t forget to sign up for their newsletter–and just for Swissmiss friends, get 15% off your order with code SWISSMISS. Shop Now!


Love this photo of Vivian Maier’s The Color Work Book.