Chasing the Moon

A 6-hour documentary film about the effort to send a manned mission to the Moon before the end of the 1960s will air next month: Chasing The Moon. Catch it on PBS starting July 8.

Shift vs Support Response

“Shift responses are a hallmark of conversational narcissism. They help you turn the focus constantly back to yourself. But a support response encourages the other person to continue their story. These days, I try to be more aware of my instinct to share stories and talk about myself. I try to ask questions that encourage the other person to continue. I’ve also made a conscious effort to listen more and talk less.”

Shift Response
Mary: I’m so busy right now.
Tim: Me too. I’m totally overwhelmed.

Support Response

Mary: I’m so busy right now.
Tim: Why? What do you have to get done?

The Mistake I Made With My Grieving Friend

Friday Link Pack

– Designed by Paul Rudolph, the Milam Residence in northern Florida is a masterpiece of American residential architecture—and it could be yours for $4.45 million.

This made me smile.

– This is a fun gift: Personalized Map Puzzle.

Craig Mod took a long walk through Japan.

– If you really want to determine whether or not a job is right for you — ask this: Do I want to be exactly like the people who work here?

Be Kind T-Shirt.

I dig this planter.

– This Japanese secret to a longer and happier life is gaining attention from millions around the world

Listen to Debbie Millman talk to author and researcher Brene Brown about belonging, courage, and vulnerability.

– Running Out of Children, a South Korea School Enrolls Illiterate Grandmothers (via)

There Are Two Types of Airport People

No social life experiment

What has helped you become kinder?

– 15. Tsundoku is the act of acquiring books and not reading them. 135 Amazing Facts for People Who Like Amazing Facts

IDEO introduces a new, digital publication featuring stories from leading voices at the intersection of design and business.

– This is a pretty petal waste bin.

– It’s pride month. Get your rainbow on!

– So many creative companies are hiring. Look at these opportunities! This makes me happy!

Small Pleasures

Small Pleasures is a book to guide us to the best of life’s small pleasures: everything from the distinctive delight of holding a child’s hand to the enjoyment of disagreeing with someone, to the joy of the evening sky; an intriguing, evocative mix of small pleasures that will heighten our senses and return us to the world with new-found excitement and enthusiasm.

The world needs this.

Rules for Being Human


Signs of Healing

“More observing, less judging.
More responding, less reacting.
More self-love, less sabotage.
More boundaries, less resentments.
More inner peace, less outer chaos.
More clarity, less confusion.
More being, less doing.
More faith, less fear.”


Old Friends

“Old friends cannot be created out of hand. Nothing can match the treasure of common memories, of trials endured together, of quarrels and reconciliations and generous emotions.”
— Antoine de Saint-Exupéry


“Society is not some grand abstraction, my friends. It’s just us. It’s the words we use, which are the thoughts we have, which determine the actions we take.”
– Umair Haque

Escher-esque Chinese Bookstore

Mirrored ceilings and criss-crossed stairwells give this Chinese bookstore the feeling of an M.C. Escher Woodcut. Wow!

Anything By Itself

“When we try to pick out anything by itself, we find it hitched to everything else in the Universe.”
— John Muir

Bibo Bee Hotel

Bibo Bee Hotel is here to help solitary bees who are struggling to find a natural place to hibernate.

The Anti-CEO Playbook

SO MUCH YES! This talk by Chobani founder Hamdi Ulukaya resonates so deeply.

Endless Rain Record

This atmospheric record has circular grooves on its “drop” side, allowing raindrop sounds to loop endlessly. Lovely.

Idea Mist

This idea mist room spray made me laugh.

Friday Link Pack

77 Life Rules for Photographers

An incomplete list of 30 things I learned in 30 years

– Stunning! Murmuration: 10,000 Porcelain Birds Create a Calligraphic Landscape at the National Gallery of Victoria

10 Things to Remember About Memorial Day

Mark One is one of my favorite pens.

– I dig this lucky clover object.

Heartwarming thread about Floyd Martin, a mailman of 35 years.

An Old-School Photo Birthday Cake. FUN!

– I know some folks who would proudly wear this Spreadsheet Hat.

Pasta machine. Fascinating.

– This brass apple paper weight is ideal to keep a cook book open while cooking. Also, pretty.

Defeated vs Inspired Thinking.

– This is fascinating: Emoji are showing up in court cases exponentially, and courts aren’t prepared

– Now this is a tea light candle holder I can get behind.

– These plant stands are cute.

Happy Stripe Keds

– Not that I would ever buy a Lacoste T-Shirt, but this made me look: Lacoste swaps famous crocodile logo for ten endangered species

– An ongoing series of digital mobiles by illustrator and animation director Jimmy Simpson.

Silver Peace Sign Scuplture

– “This is the difference between profit and true wealth.” —

This makes me uncomfortable but I can’t stop looking.

Wear a rainbow.

– Looking for a new job in a creative company? Check out the CreativeMornings job board.

– A big thank you to Parsons at Open Campus for sponsoring my blog and RSS Feed this week.

Virtual Choir

Completely mesmerized by Eric Whitacre’s Virtual Choir. The Virtual Choir is a global phenomenon, creating a user-generated choir that brings together singers from around the world and their love of music in a new way through the use of technology. Singers record and upload their videos from locations all over the world. Each one of the videos is then synchronised and combined into one single performance to create the Virtual Choir.

(I recently started a real life choir, inspired by James Sill’s CreativeMornings “talk: last December!)

Create A “Noticing Wall” For Your Kid

I love the idea of a Noticing Wall – a zero-pressure space for parents and kids to write notes to each other, ask questions, jot down fun things you learned, and make plans. I’ll definitely give this a try!

My Mind

This made me giggle.

All of the Colors

I know I shouldn’t have a favorite Tattly, but I do. All of the Colors by Jason Polan just launched and has already won my heart!

Opportunities are Attached to People

“Every opportunity is attached to a person. Opportunities do not float like clouds in the sky. They’re attached to people. If you’re looking for an opportunity — including one that has a financial payoff — you’re really looking for a person.”
Ben Casnocha


My Dad, the Facebook Addict

“I have a folder on my computer full of memes!” This is sad and funny at the same time. So many emotions. My Dad, the Facebook Addict

♥ / Your Data Tells a Story

A big thank you to Parsons at Open Campus for sponsoring my blog and RSS Feed this week.

Take a design-oriented approach to data in an online certificate program in Infographics and Data Visualization, offered through Parsons at Open Campus. In this series of five online courses, you will:

– Expand your knowledge of strategic information design, data analytics and filtering, visualization best practices, and programming basics
– Bring complex statistics to life for a variety of audiences and uses
– Develop a data visualization portfolio to use for career advancement
– Gain an advantage in fields driven by design, big data, and metrics
– Network with industry leaders and creative peers

Learn the fundamentals you need to succeed in big data– and metrics-driven environments. Get started now >>

How Does EMDR Work?

Been hearing a lot about EMDR recently. Would any of you have any experience with this type of therapy?

In Search of Knowledge

“We are, finally, all wanderers in search of knowledge. Most of us hold the dream of becoming something better than we are, something larger, richer, in some way more important to the world and ourselves. Too often, the way taken is the wrong way, with too much emphasis on what we want to have, rather than what we wish to become.”
— Louis L’Amour

(via Farnamstreet)