Search for Truth

“When the search for truth becomes a celebration of being, all of life transforms on it’s own.”
Matt Kahn

Emanate Love

“If you want to cure the world, don’t emanate fear – emanate love.”
— Ram Dass

An Imagined Letter from Corona to Humans

Stop. Just stop.
It is no longer a request. It is a mandate.
We will help you.
We will bring the supersonic, high speed merry-go-round to a halt
We will stop
the planes
the trains
the schools
the malls
the meetings
the frenetic, furied rush of illusions and “obligations” that keep you from hearing our
single and shared beating heart,
the way we breathe together, in unison.
Our obligation is to each other,
As it has always been, even if, even though, you have forgotten.
We will interrupt this broadcast, the endless cacophonous broadcast of divisions and distractions,
to bring you this long-breaking news:
We are not well.
None of us; all of us are suffering.
Last year, the firestorms that scorched the lungs of the earth
did not give you pause.
Nor the typhoons in Africa,China, Japan.
Nor the fevered climates in Japan and India.
You have not been listening.
It is hard to listen when you are so busy all the time, hustling to uphold the comforts and conveniences that scaffold your lives.
But the foundation is giving way,
buckling under the weight of your needs and desires.
We will help you.
We will bring the firestorms to your body
We will bring the fever to your body
We will bring the burning, searing, and flooding to your lungs
that you might hear:
We are not well.
Despite what you might think or feel, we are not the enemy.
We are Messenger. We are Ally. We are a balancing force.
We are asking you:
To stop, to be still, to listen;
To move beyond your individual concerns and consider the concerns of all;
To be with your ignorance, to find your humility, to relinquish your thinking minds and travel deep into the mind of the heart;
To look up into the sky, streaked with fewer planes, and see it, to notice its condition: clear, smoky, smoggy, rainy? How much do you need it to be healthy so that you may also be healthy?
To look at a tree, and see it, to notice its condition: how does its health contribute to the health of the sky, to the air you need to be healthy?
To visit a river, and see it, to notice its condition: clear, clean, murky, polluted? How much do you need it to be healthy so that you may also be healthy? How does its health contribute to the health of the tree, who contributes to the health of the sky, so that you may also be healthy?
Many are afraid now.
Do not demonize your fear, and also, do not let it rule you. Instead, let it speak to you—in your stillness,
listen for its wisdom.
What might it be telling you about what is at work, at issue, at risk, beyond the threats of personal inconvenience and illness?
As the health of a tree, a river, the sky tells you about quality of your own health, what might the quality of your health tell you about the health of the rivers, the trees, the sky, and all of us who share this planet with you?
Notice if you are resisting.
Notice what you are resisting.
Ask why.
Stop. Just stop.
Be still.
Ask us what we might teach you about illness and healing, about what might be required so that all may be well.
We will help you, if you listen.

– Kristin Flyntz

On Groundless Fears

“There are more things … likely to frighten us than there are to crush us; we suffer more often in imagination than in reality.”
— Seneca

Learn How To Sway

“Life is funny. It can be so random, so you have to learn how to sway. You have to be open to what slightly puzzles you, to what you feel curious about, not just what you already like because then there’s no space to grow and become more. In Peru where I grew up there are earthquakes, and the buildings that are built to sway and move are the ones that usually survive. The ones that are too stiff tend to crack and fall down.”
— Mario Testino

When Overwhelmed

“When we are overwhelmed it is a moment when we need our own love, kindness and compassion the most.”
— Matt Kahn

Sweeter Than My Solitude

“My alone feels so good, I’ll only have you if you’re sweeter than my solitude.”
Warsan Shire

Love Intentionally, Extravagantly, Unconditionally

“Do not be dismayed by the brokenness of the world. All things break, and all things can be mended. Not with time, as they say, but with intention. So go. Love intentionally, extravagantly, unconditionally. The broken world waits in darkness for the light that is you.”
— L.R. Knost


Whatever arises…

“Whatever arises, love that.”
— Matt Kahn

This book is rocking my world.

We Are Going To Be Fine


Fall In Love With Life

“You don’t have to move mountains. Simply fall in love with life. Be a tornado of happiness, gratitude and acceptance. You will change the world just by being a warm, kind hearted human being.”
— Anita Krizzan

Participate Relentlessly

“You have to participate relentlessly in the manifestation of your own blessings.”
— Elizabeth Gilbert

Soft Sea

we contain an ocean within us.

permission to be a storm.
an invitation to be the soft sea.

Maribeth Helen Keane

This is everything.

“To meet someone. And be met.
To be chosen. To choose.
To love. To be loved.
This is everything.”
— Mark Groves

A Heart-Centered Body of Work

“The point of it all is not to exhaust myself trying to build a body of work that eclipses my life, but to create a heart-centered body of work.”

Holley M. Kholi-Murchison

What does time well spent mean to you? Resources to help you reflect.

Asking for What You Want

“There’s a ton you can get in life if you’re willing to submit yourself to the mortifying horror of asking for it.”


The Heart of Clarity

“Despite how open, peaceful, and loving you attempt to be, people can only meet you, as deeply as they’ve met themselves. This is the heart of clarity.”
Matt Kahn

Our Presence

“The world needs our immediate presence.”
— Louise Penny, paraphrasing Miguel Cervantes

From How Time is On Your Side, by Bridget Watson Payne

Afraid To Look

“You will
find yourself
in all the of the places
you are afraid
to look.”
— cwpoet

The Person She Becomes

“You will manage to keep a woman in love with you, only for as long as you can keep her in love with the person she becomes when she is with you.”
— C. JoyBell C

Thank you Body

Thank you body,
for teaching me how to love, me
for showing me my deepest depths
also my soft light
for holding me even when I am
kicking and screaming.
thank you body,
for giving me permission
and the courage
to keep showing up
to keep saying yes.

— Maribeth Helen Keane

Practices in listening


“Surrender is not for sissies.”
— L. Weiss


“Notice what you notice.”
— Martha Beck

How we spend our time…

“How we spend our time is how we spend our days. How we spend our days is how our life goes. How our life goes determines whether we thought it was worth living.”
— Keith Yamashita

Keith reflecting on his relationship to time. Wonderful.